Page:A grammar of the Bohemian or Cech language.djvu/157

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Chebsko, the district of Cheb (Ger. Eger), celebrated as the place at which Wallen- stein was assassinated.

melo jemu postoupeno býlí. Cf. the idiomatic uses of miti, already alluded to.

Studiemi ťemi zabýval se ve 20 až 24 roce vlku svého, drive než oddal se dějepisu; a jelte na sklonku života svého vyznával se zálibou o dotleném výroku Baconově.

He occupied himself with these studies in the twentieth till the twenty-fourth year of his age, before he gave himself up to history; and still at the close of life he confessed a propensity for (lit. with a love concerning) the previous-mentioned saying of Bacon.

zabývali se, to busy oneself. the nom. plur. of nouns

roce, nom. plur. of rok, a year, signifying inanimate things. -e being the termination of See p. 7.

Palacký vedle Safařika byl nejhorlivljlim obráncem slovanův naproti nevraživosti mnohých spisovatelů německých, klefi svůj národ vynálejí vysoko nad slovanský, jakoby tento byl plemenem sprosťsím, samou přírodou ustanoveným k nevzdělanosti a k porobě.

Palacký, next to Safařik, was the most zealous defender of the Slavs against the hostility of many German writers who extol their people high above the Slavonic, as if the latter was , a meaner race, destined by nature herself to want of culture and slavery.

vedle, prep., takes genitive. vynálejí, fr. vynášeli (vynesli), exalt.

plémě (also plemeno). See p. 13; the ě of the nominative was. originally a nasal, and this

explains the -n in the de- clension. Cf. Russ. Bpeiffl, and Polish imig.

sprostli, comparative, from sprostý.

ustanovili, to destine.