Page:A grammar of the Teloogoo language.djvu/140

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quest of the Deccan, numerous technical revenue terms, and words connected with official business, derived from the Arabic, Persian, or Hindee, have been introduced into Teloogoo, through the medium of the Hindoostanee; but the use of many such words begins now to be superseded by that of corresponding English terms.

244 Nouns of foreign derivation are subject to the same rules as the nouns of the third declension; thus, the Hindoostanee words.

s'ax>3b news. (OoJ->oo a question. | , ... a treasury. ^^ an answer. a country, a district- arrangement, settlement. " ^ ^ a number. - ... a visit. a disturbance, an intrigue. 2 . ..... trouble, annoyance. Co .... the chief town in a district. J-C& ( a carriage of any kind, a ' ' palankeen fyc. c a petition and the English words. ink. a pen. <xg~^ex) a pencil. i , a decree. a summons fyc. are declined like &* a child. fo


245 The rules of politeness among the Hindoos, although very different from those in use among European nations, are so firmly established, and so scru- pulously observed by the people, that the least deviation from the proper mode of address should be studiously avoided. Particular attention is therefore necessary to the correct use of the Teloogoo pronouns.

246 All the pronouns belong to that division of the Teloogoo termed "3Sf03&> or language of the land.

247 There are no relative pronouns in Teloogoo: the idiom of the language renders the use of them superfluous ; as will be fully explained hereafter. The substantive pronouns have two numbers ; the singular, and the plural.

248 The speaker, and the person addressed, being present, their sex is supposed to be obvious: the distinction of gender is therefore confined to the pronouns of