Page:A grammar of the Teloogoo language.djvu/163

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Before affixing the personal terminations above stated to the principal parts 323 of the verb, from which the tenses are derived ; the affirmative tenses assume certain intermediate particles, which are the same for the first and second persons both singular and plural, but are liable to variation in the third person, as shewn below. 1st and 2d persons 3d person singular. 3d person plural, singular and plural* Present o A?. /*. to & M - $ F- N. p fist form. ..8 c*- < ' _2d form. ..-jjj-o. ...... . . -*& -~ ~& * Future < , f c V Aorist... , &>

In the present tense, long * (><&> -x>) is prefixed to all the personal terminations, except the third person feminine or neuter in the singular, and the third person neuter in the plural, which prefix P^.

In the first form of the past tense, 9 is prefixed to all the personal terminations, except to those of the third person, which take ~* before them in the singular, and in the neuter plural : in the masculine and feminine plural, there is no prefix. In the second form of the past tense, ~*F* is prefixed to all the personal terminations, except the third person feminine and neuter in the singular, and the third person neuter in the plural, which prefix #".

The first form of the future prefixes ~^& to all the personal terminations, except to those of the third person singular and the neuter of the third person plural, which prefix -* &. The second form prefixes ~* to all the personal terminations ; but in the third person singular, and in the neuter of the third person plural, it may at pleasure be changed into . t

The affirmative aorist prefixes &> to all the personal terminations, except to 327 those of the third person singular, and of the neuter third person pkral, which take no prefix,