Page:A grammar of the Teloogoo language.djvu/166

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100 TELOOGOO GBAMMAB. come ^<^M or ^ar beat thou; ^sSo, or in the GO GO CO GO common dialect ^"^^M, let us beat, ^^C^o or i^cs O r in the

  • X/ GO GO

common dialect ^^^, &ea ye; the reader, however, will bear in mind that, by rule 310, the root itself, in the common dialect, is often used as the 2d person singular of the affirmative imperative; instead of ^^>J5bo or GO -- D , therefore, we constantly say => ^ beat thou.

334 The formation of the verbal participles, in the affirmative verb, has already been explained; see rules 313 and 314: it only remains, therefore, to shew the manner in which the relative participles are formed : the present relative participle is formed from the present verbal participles in r&r^ , by changing f&>^ into <^ : there are two verbal participles in <&^ viz. the grammatical participle in "*&w^, and the common participle in *&f&^; the relative participle, therefore, has also two corresponding forms, -J&fS^and ^>f^; thus, from r 4W&3&^ L an( j ro &>o?&)&)^ beating, come ^t^ 3 "^^. and, in the common dialect, ^^^^^ that beats. The past relative participle is formed by adding the syllable ^ to the past verbal participle; thus, from g^ & having beaten, comes s &$ that has beaten; the indefinite relative partici- ple is formed by adding to the root -= &b or *"= & in the superior, and ~* or e* &3 in the common dialect, and as all these terminations commence with a vowel, the ^ final of the root must be dropped when they are added : thus, the root ^^ makes its indefinite relative participle S^^o^o or ^ l^s in the superior dialect, and in the common dialect, ^~ or ^ "fr 1 ^ that beats, has beaten, or will beat. The root itself is somtimes, in books, used as the indefinite relative participle.

335 The affirmative verbal noun is formed by adding & to the root, or in the common dialect, by adding S^sSw to the infinitive; thus, from ^^ come *"oo&o, or in the common dialect &&>x> the beating.


336 The negative imperative is formed by adding to the infinitive os5bo or o&rt>, or in the common dialect ^, for the 2d person singular; and oc2& or ocd,or in the common dialect ^o<^, for the 2d person plural; thus, from ^^ to beat