Page:A grammar of the Teloogoo language.djvu/172

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TELOOGOO GRAMMAR. to say. to see, to bring forth, to buy, to take. to hear. to eat.

343 For instance, s^^b to buy, in order to form the present affirmative verbal participle, adds *&, and makes g^ok-Sb or s^rfo^ or i^o-Efc buying ; and in the affirmative aorist ^ &>&>(& or ^r&^x) or S^O&D^O. J n the second and third persons plural of the affirmative aorist, instead of i^oS&Sb, we may, by a rule applicable to these verbs only, change the a of &>, or the &> itself, into <* ; thus, ^ocSc5b or s^o.&o^, yow or they buy, did buy, or will buy; thus also S^ffo followed by ^^v^, makes ^o^f6o^ buying; and, in the perfect tense, i""*^ followed by w&, makes s^o&SiO I have bought.

344 The foregoing verbs, together with to go corrupted ......... .to fall. .<o place, to keep to laugh or smile. to suit, to Jit. to break. .to descend. may at option change -=> , at the commencement of any of the terminations mentioned in the table, into " c&>; thus, *^13?& or i^^^or^o he has bought y "~^^^ or ^^^0^^ I shall buy.

345 All the roots mentioned above as exceptions, instead of forming the past relative participle of the affirmative verb in the regular manner, may, at plea- sure, form it by changing the final *o of the root into *" and doubling the preceding consonant; thus, we say either "^ or ^^. that bought, &^<5 or e$X thatjitted.

346 The roots in r& specified in rule 342, together with the three roots in &o mentioned in rule 344, contract the second form of the past tense, in a manner peculiar to themselves ; by doubling the consonant of the second syllable, which coalesces with the vowel of the third syllable, and rejecting both the