Page:A grammar of the Teloogoo language.djvu/181

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OF VERBS. 115 Root. Present verbal participle. Past verbal > Infinitive. participle. (a pour. x ....... look) ......... oMcOo ....... fa graze. ____ to bear a burden- S^cOo ...... to feel disgust. .Is.cxxx) ...... 13 cfcooi&^x);^ ...... . S.^> ........ y~s^cCb ..... fo castf, to throw. SfOdBoo ...... rDcSS&o-i^^ ...... JfO^b ........ r)o5o ...... to mix. 08 ci&o ...... ^QcKS&o-ESb,^^ ...... 3oQ^> ........ o9d5o^. . ..^ ra<Vt. 22<Sci5bo ...... ^^cBoo^J^^ ...... K&& ....... i2.cCo ..... to tremble tcith fear, to [fear.

Roots in cOoo of two syllables, of which the first ends in a long vowel, often shorten that vowel ; and, in this case, double the ctfb; thus, the root ~d&> ma} 7 become 13cC&>C, the infinitive wcOo, &cJ5o &c. &c.


All verbs having the root in &>, form the aorist and imperative, either in the manner explained in the foregoing table, rule 312, or by changing &&> in the affirmative aorist into $>, and -&>> in the affirmative imperative into Cf. If the root has a double ^^, the & and & are also doubled, into & and _& ; thus &>o-c$oo&> or ^^o^i^> - >>o-i&&>o or &S)o^55oo } "So^^D^j or "So e^o?^, "3a-l^> s6o or ~So__^^.

In the common dialect, the terminations-^w and SXr, in the second person singular of the affirmative imperative, are often dropped in this conjugation.

The undermentioned verbs terminating in &, likewise deviate from the 35 i) rules given in the foregoing table, (312) by forming the infinitive in *>, instead of itf, and taking ) instead of & before the terminations for the affirmative; imperative. .