Page:A grammar of the Teloogoo language.djvu/98

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Nouns in the nominative case, even when used accusatively, and all parts of the verb ending in &> t 2&>, and & together with the words 9>>j><&> then, ^S5^><&> now, <^S3^&> w hen ? preceding a word beginning with any of the hard letters &&'&, change them respectively to X# ; thus, ^>*X> wealthy preceding *^2& she or it will not go, changes the *> p of S3"^&> into 3 v, and we say ^ >*>*> &> riches will not disappear ; in the same manner, c^^)-^ 3 -ST^CcSb he is going, and S">8 a robber, make sW^fcSft^^C&KgS tfte roooer is going ; ^^) ^^^ she, or it is departing, and "&& **> /h'tf ndship, make sb^afcf^a^OSto friendship is departing; ef>55>j>&b ^ eW} and -tf^c^or&Ae, s/j^ or it went, make 9S5^&b^>63o;& ^ she, or it then went; now, and ij e, she, or it went, make ^S3>j>2&& cs5or& Ae, .<?fo, or it now went.

But Sanscrit derivatives, preceded by pure Teloogoo words, are excepted from this rule, and are not subject to any change ; because the nature of such words is considered so different, as to prevent their coalescing in orthography ; thus, &<5 a master, and ?x>?%o~ : d>&>he ) she, or it was pleased, make 5^ t> 5'5b?^o' : Sr^> the master ivas pleased ; never he, this man, and ^T^Ct&jCi&D a virtuous man, make SXSfc^T^^e&^c&o this is a virtuous man. Nevertheless, if two words both of Sanscrit derivation come together, the general rule holds good ; because, in that case, both the words are of the same kind, we therefore say T73$x>c2>X5bro' : 3?& never "O^S&oC <&>'5b?!o" : 3?& Rama was pleased.

When two pure Teloogoo substantives are joined together by a copulative conjunction, not expressed, but understood, and the latter word^begins with any of the hard letters ^ & & So, these letters are severally changed to fQ${$&o5j ; thus, "5^e>3 a leg, and "Te&>ex> hands, make 'S^ew e^<3bew legs and hands ; ^^ an elder brother, and ^^M^exj younger brothers, make ^^^ gSaSx^exJ elder and younger brothers.

  • Although $ may be changed into X - -f into 3 - &> into & - 5 . into & and S5 into , the rarerse of this rule does not hold goud, these letters are not interchangable : K cannot

by any means become ?f, nor X$, "$ &c. The first series may be converted into the second, but the second can never be converted into the first,