Page:A hairdresser's experience in high life.djvu/141

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service. Minnie's mother sent this man after his wife, with strict charge to bring her back, or not dare to show himself there again. He went, and when he got under the banner of Great Britain, he wrote back to his mistress, saying she desired him not to come back without his wife; but as she had made up her mind to stay where she was, and would not go back, he thought the best thing he could do was to stay with her. Some friends of the family were the ones that helped them to make good their escape. I learned, a short time after, that another of these fugitives passed through this city, who belonged to Minnie's brother. It is a well known fact, these poor creatures could not make good their escape unless they were aided by some influential people.

I will, for the present, leave Minnie, but have not yet told one half that I know.