Page:A hairdresser's experience in high life.djvu/207

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they saw me they said, "For mercy's sake, Iangy, don't tell you saw us here." I assured them I would not tell on them if they did not tell on themselves.

After telling many unheard-of tales the spirit promised to play the guitar, and every one was requested to look right on the center of the table. I pretended to look on the table, but glancing at the two girls and the old woman, I saw one of the girls move her body from the table and touch the guitar with her foot. The mother seeing me eyeing her so closely, said: "Look on the table, Iangy," which I did, but still kept my eyes on them so closely they could not play the guitar. Finally, the spirit rapped and said it would not play the guitar that day, but it would tomorrow. I said the spirit did not like me, nor I the spirit, and so I would leave the room: one of the girls coming behind me asked me to come back in a few minutes.

After I left the spirit played, to the satisfaction of the ladies, and then commenced to rap on the door. I got some young misses and we stood at the door, and when the spirit rapped on the inside of the door we rapped on the outside and then ran away, which so frightened one of the girls she could not raise the spirit again.

That evening, after the ladies had left, I went in again and the old woman said: "Iangy, the spirit has told us that you have some hard feelings against us, and that we must make friends, and I know of no other way than that we should go this evening to your house, and rap for you and your friends; if convenient we will come at nine o'clock."

I went home to prepare supper for them, and invited