Page:A hairdresser's experience in high life.djvu/216

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a hairdresser's eperience

It was not long before she caused the wife a great deal of unhappiness, and the wife's mother also said she did not like such familiarity, consequently they broke up housekeeping and the mother and daughter went to New York.

The governess, having left Cincinnati, went to a Southern city, and stopped at one of the fashionable hotels there, where the lady's husband and a partner had business to transact.

She undertook to cut her cards, and cut them well for awhile, acting the great lady, and reigning and domineering over everybody that was there, till at length one night one of the gentlemen got tight, and going to her room she would not let him in, when he deliberately broke open the door. This aroused the dignity of the proprietor, and the next day she was put out. A lady not long since, told me she had seen a letter from her saying she was in want of means, and was then seated by her cradle.

After these things happened, I went to the lady with whom I had the conversation, and asked her if she wanted me to give her the five years hair-dressing. She said no, but she would pay me anything for the rude manner in which she had spoken to me; "But I should like to know, Iangy, who the other humbug is you spoke about?" I said I would not tell her just then, for there was a set of ladies who could be taken in easily by diamonds and titles, and when these hum bugs come if they did not find them out they would blame me, and if they did find them out they would know I was right, so I would not speak, but let them get bit to their heart's content. After they came I might speak, but there were several ladies in the house