Page:A hairdresser's experience in high life.djvu/240

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A hair-dresser's experience

round to the fashionable watering places; but be careful to say you were stopping at the other hotel from the one she was combing at. After hearing their plans I took an oppertunity of moving my seat and made up my mind to be prepared for them.

Some three or four weeks had passed after my arrival at home, when, truly, one day a handsome carriage came to the door, and the occupants of it seemed to be quite fashionable ladies. They asked me to go down to the west end and comb them. I told them it was farther than I wished to go, as I was getting old now, but if they would send for me at five o'clock I would go and comb them. At exactly five the carriage drove up and getting in, I was driven to the west end. I found the house very unpretending on the outside, but inside elegance itself. There were, besides the lady herself, two very beautiful girls, and the New York lady. She introduced me to the three—to the two young girls as her daughters and the other as a lady from New York; and then requested them to leave the room till she was combed.

When they had gone and I was combing her she told me this lady was one of the fashionables of New York, lived in a magnificent house on one of the most fashionable streets, and was one of the leaders of ton. I told her I could see she was, as soon as I saw one of them I could easily tell their position. She said: "I wish you to be very particular in combing this lady, as she has been in the habit of having her hair dressed every day in New York, her position in New York is far superior to mine here; yet I think this election will bring us near right, as we were at dancing school the other evening, and the ladies were all bending and