Page:A hairdresser's experience in high life.djvu/291

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they think are getting along too fast. I will give you an instance. One morning I was going very early to comb a lady for her marriage, who was going off on the early train, and on passing along the street I saw hanging on the knob of a lady's door, an old dress, with needles, thimble, spools of cotton, scissors and everything belonging to a dress-maker. I made inquiry a few days after and heard it was done by a neighbor, who thought the lady had forgotten her mother's occupation, so that she might be reminded from what she had sprung. Then again there will be left at doors old shoes, old hats, cloaks, nails, pieces of iron and everything to remind those who are getting high in the world from what they sprung. In New Orleans I have known ladies go to mask balls and, under cover of their dominoes, say very disagreeable things, then fly home, change their dress and come back, leaving those they said the disagreeable things to, very unhappy. In some cities they write anonymous letters, saying in them all kinds of bitter things. I was stopping with a lady once in Louisville, who got one of these anonymous letters, and it caused her great uneasiness, but I am sure the writer felt more uneasiness for doing such a mean action than the lady who received it. I have seen many actions and deeds of this kind done by those who are in high life.

The opera continued a whole month every night, except Sunday. I am sure there must have been satisfaction given to all. The musical portion were satisfied with the music; others who did not care for the music went to show off their own elegance and see the elegance of others, and some went to see who went