Page:A handbook of the Cornish language; Chiefly in its latest stages with some account of its history and literature.djvu/230

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ARCHÆOLOGICAL REVIEW; (The). A Journal of Historic and Pre-historic Antiquities. Edited bv G. L. Gomme, F.S.A. 4 vols. (24 parts). Royal 8vo. 1888–1889. £i, is. net. (Each part separately, 2s. 6d. net.)

⁂ Numerous articles of interest to Celtic students, amongst others Prof. Kuno Meyer's translation of the Tochmare Emer, Mr. Alfred Nutt's Celtic Myth and Saga; 1888-89, Mr. Alfred Nutt's The Buddha's Alms Dish and the Legend of the Holy Grail, &c. &c.

DANA: An Irish Magazine of Independent Thought. Edited by John Eglington and F. Ryan. Issued monthly, in demy 8vo numbers averaging 36 pp., and costing 6d. net (7d. post free) each. Subscription for year, 73. post free.

THE CELTIC REVIEW. Edited by D. MacKinnon Professor of Celtic in the University of Edinburgh, and Miss E. C. CarMicheal. Issued in quarterly numbers, costing 2s. 6d. each net. Subscription price for year, 8s. post free (Part I., July 1904).

REVUE CELTIQUE. Founded by Henri Gaidoz, continued by H. D'Arbois de Jubanville, with the co-operation of Whitley Stokes, J. Loth, Kuno Meyer, and the leading Celtic Scholars of Great Britain, Ireland, and the Continent. Vols. I.–XXV. Paris, 1870–1904. Demy 8vo, sewed. A few copies are offered at 21 instead of 25.

⁂ No single publication save the Grammatics Celtics has done so much to promote Celtic studies. In addition to a great variety of Articles covering every section of Celtic Philology, Archæology, Literary History, &c., it contains an unrivalled series of important Texts, furnished with English translations, by the greatest living Celtic scholar, Dr. Whitley Stokes. Among these may be mentioned: The Annals of Tigernach; the Boroma; the Voyages of Maelduin and of Snegdus and MacRiagla; the Battle of Moytura; the Destruction of Da Derga's Hostel; the Death of Cuchulainn; the Dinnshenchas, and numerous smaller texts.

No Celtic Library is complete without a set of the Revue Celtique

The price of 21 for a set is only valid for a short time.

HOLDER, A. Alt-Celtischer Sprachschatz (Old-Celtic Thesaurus). Issued since 1891 in royal 8vo parts, averaging each 250 pages, double columns, and costing 8s. Parts I.–XIII. (A Sacri-llo-s) are out, and the work will probably be completed in two more parts, and within the next two years.

⁂ The Alt-Celtischer Sprachschatz is a collection, alphabetically arranged, of the materials available for the oldest history of the Celtic languages: Inscriptions; Names of Persons, Places and Things, preserved by the writers of Greece and Rome; Place names in their earliest recorded post-classical form, &c. Passages from the classical authors are given in full. In the 1280 pages of the work so far as issued, about 26,000 words (chiefly personal and place names) are dealt with.