Page:A handbook of the Cornish language; Chiefly in its latest stages with some account of its history and literature.djvu/236

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IRISH GAELIC WAIFS AND STRAYS Continued. III. Folk and Hero Tales. Collected, edited, translated, and annotated by the Rev. J. MACDOUGALL ; with an Introduction by ALFRED NUTT. 1891. xxx, 311 pp. 75. 6d. IV. The Fians, or Stories, Poems, and Traditions of Fionn and his warrior band. Collected entirely from oral sources by the Rev. J. G. CAMPBELL ; with Introduction and Bibliographical Notes by ALFRED NUTT. 1891. xxxviii, 292 pp. 7s. 6d. V. Popular Tales and Traditions. Collected in the Western Highlands by the late Rev. J. G. CAMPBELL of Tiree, with Portrait and Memoir of the Author, and Illustrations by E. GRISET. 8vo. 1895. xx, 150 pp. 55. Nearly out of print.

  1. % Vols. II.-V. form the fullest and most valuable collection of Scotch-

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