Page:A handbook of the Cornish language; Chiefly in its latest stages with some account of its history and literature.djvu/239

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MR. NUTTS CELTIC LIST McALPINE (Neil). A Pronouncing (Scotch) Gaelic Dictionary, to which is prefixed a concise but comprehensive Gaelic Grammar. Eleventh Edition. Crown 8vo. 1808. Cloth. I2s. McKAY (J. G.). Easy Gaelic Syntax, popularly treated for Beginners. 8vo. 1899. iv, 92 pp. Net, is. 6d. Welsh Language and Literature (including the ARTHURIAN ROMANCE). GILDAS. Works: (De Excidio Britanniae, fragmenta, Liber de paenitentia, Lorica Gildae. Accedunt et Vita Gildae TO. et Vita Ha). A new edition with English Translation, Introduction. Philological and Exegetical Commentary by the Rev. H. WILLIAMS, M.A. Royal 8vo. (3 Parts.) 1899-1904. Net, i, is. MABINOGION (The). Mediaeval Welsh Romances. Translated by Lady CHARLOTTE GUEST. With Notes by ALFRED NUTT. Frontispiece, title-page, and cover by NORMAN AULT. i6mo. 1902. 360 pp. Cloth, top gilt, net, 2s. 6d. % Mr. Nutt's edition is the only one which gives concise but accurate information about the origin, literary history, and significance of these tales, the masterpiece of mediaeval story-telling, and one of the finest collections of stories in the whole of literature. V. See also Popular Studies, No. 11, THE '.MABINOGION. By IVOR B. JOHN, B.A. 1901. MALORY (Sir Thomas). The Morte Darthur. Ver- batim reprint of Caxton's original edition, with Introduction, Variants, Notes, Glossarial Index, and Study of the sources of Malory, by H . O. SOMMER, Ph.D., and a Study of Malory by A. LANG. 3 vols. 410. x, 861 ; viii, 230; xxvi, 338 pp. 1889-91. Net, 2, los. The same, 2 vols. Koxburghe, net, ^3 ; or in 3 vols. Roxburghe, net, 3, 3. Vol. I. (Text) separately, in paper wrapper (800 pp.), net, 75. 6d.

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