Page:A handbook of the Cornish language; Chiefly in its latest stages with some account of its history and literature.djvu/59

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3. Mottoes for bowls, occurring in the Gwavas MS., and some in Davies Gilbert's edition of The Creation.

4. Maxims, proverbs, etc., about thirty in number, in the Borlase MS., in Pryce, and in Davies Gilbert's edition of The Creation, under the title of "Sentences in vulgar Cornish." Some of them are also in the Gwavas MS.

Conversations and Phrases.

1. About seventy sentences, in the Borlase MS., in Pryce, and in Davies Gilbert's edition of The Creation, under the title of "Things occurring in common discourse." There are some additional ones in the Borlase MS.

2. About a hundred and fifty phrases, sentences, and idioms, copied by Dr. Borlase from Lhuyd's MSS. Some, but by no means all, are in Lhuyd's Grammar.

3. A considerable number of similar phrases scattered throughout Borlase's Cornish Vocabulary at the end of his History of Cornwall. These are to be found, evidently copied from the Vocabulary, in a manuscript which belonged in 1777 to Henry Brush of Carnaquidn Stamps (on the road from Penzance to Zennor), which place belonged to William Veale of Trevaylor, who married the daughter of Gwavas. The MS. is now in the possession of a descendant of Henry Brush.

4. A few expressions and phrases scattered through the Gwavas MS., in the letters of Boson, and in letters and notes of Gwavas.


1. On James Jenkins, by John Boson, 17 11/12, in the Gwavas MS. Four lines. The Borlase MS., quoting the very letter in which it occurs, says that it is on John Keigwin, which is a mistake.