Page:A handbook of the Cornish language; Chiefly in its latest stages with some account of its history and literature.djvu/96

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  • disqwedhyans, discovery, from disqwedkas, to discover.
  • gordhyans (gorryans), glory, from gordhya (gorrya), to worship.
  • bownans, life, from bewa, to live.
  • marnans, death, from uiarwel or merwel, to die.
  • selwans, salvation, from sekvel, to save.
  • tristyans, sadness, from trist, sad.
  • tibyans, thought, from tibya, to think.

This termination answers to the Latin antia or entia, and the English ance or ence. It is generally added to the root of the verb.

4. Nouns signifying agents or doers are derived from other nouns, adjectives, and verbs by the addition of or, er, ar, or yas (earlier iad or iat).

  • tŷor, a tiler, from , to cover.
  • pestrior, a wizard, from pestry, magic.
  • pescajor, a fisherman, from pescas, plur. of pesk, fish.
  • cosŏlyer, a counsellor, from cŏsŏl, counsel.
  • revader or revajor, a rower, from rev, an oar.
  • trŏccyer, a fuller.
  • lyuyar, a dyer, from, lyu, colour.
  • gwîadar, a weaver, from gwia, to weave.
  • bŏnkyer, a cooper, from bŏnk, a blow.
  • ŏmdowlar, a wrestler, from ŏmdowla, to wrestle.
  • gŏnnador or gonajor, a sower, from gŏnas, to sow or plant.
  • mijar, a reaper, from mijy, to reap.
  • stênor, a tinner, from sten, tin.
  • selwyas, a saviour, from selwel, to save.
  • gwithyas (also gwithyor), a guardian, from gwithya, to keep.
  • kernyas, a trumpeter, from corn, a horn.
  • rennyas, a carver, from ranna, to divide.
  • sezvyas, a tailor, from sewy, to sew.