Page:A history of Chile.djvu/184

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CHAPTER IV THE BATTLE OF MAYPO The energetic Abascal was not long in dispatching reinforcements to Chile upon learning the disastrous rout at Chacabuco ; this he was now the better enabled to do for the reason that he had recently received 3,500 veterans from Spain. This was in the latter part of November, 1817. Marco del Ponte and Maroto had proven themselves inferior generals, therefore. General Osorio was a second time appointed to the command of the royalist army in- tended for operations in Chile, an army which, with the garrison at Talcahuano, would number about six thousand men. Osorio landed in Talcahuano in January, 1818. Pre- vious to his landing, O'Higgins, following the plan of a French officer named Brayer, had made an ineffec- tual attempt to reduce the fortress, now, with the ex- ception of Valdivia, the last stronghold of the royal- ists in Chile, December 6th, 1817. This attempt was frustrated by Abascal, who sent to the assistance of the garrison 1,500 reinforcements; these succeeded in reaching the fortifications by sea, and the place being one of great natural strength, was thus enabled to with- stand the siege. O'Higgins, after sustaining a heavy i58