Page:A history of Chile.djvu/267

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ERA OF CONSTITUTION MAKING M3 upon the Peruvians, whose independence he declared had never been recognized, although Spain had tardily signed a treaty of recognition with Peru in 1853. The active sympathy which Chile manifested for Peru in this difficulty with Spain, the Spanish Admiral Pereja afterward declared to be a breach of interna- tional comity. Considerable diplomatic discussion had taken place and in May an arrangement of the matter had been reached with San Salvador de Tavira, Span- ish Charge d' Affaires in Chile, who deemed an explan- atory note which the Chilean government transmitted to him as a sufficient amende honorable. The home gov- ernment, however, recalled its representative on July 25th, 1865, and disapproved of his conduct. In Sep- tember Admiral Pereja, who had succeeded Pinzon in the command of the Spanish fleet, sailed into Valpa- raiso harbor (September 17th, 1865), and notified the government of the non-approval of Tavira's settlement of the affair, and demanded immediate reparation, threatening to begin hostilities in case of a refusal. He formulated his complaints, which were to the effect that Chile had not made reparation, or sufficient apology, for certain insulting cries and threats uttered against Spain in front of the house occupied by the Spanish legation, that the publication of the paper called the "San Martin" had been allowed, and that it had con- stantly filled its columns with abuse of Spain, and further, that the Peruvian war steamer "Lerzundi" was allowed to coal and enlist men in Valparaiso, while coal was refused Spanish vessels. Satisfactory explanations were demanded within four days for each of the grievances above enumerated and a salute of twenty-one guns by the Chilean forts to the Spanish flag. Otherwise, the admiral declared that he would feel himself bound to use force and to obtain