Page:A history of Chile.djvu/485

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CONSTITUTION 435 tions or corrections be approved by an absolute majority of its members present, it shall be sent to the President of the Republic; but if the additions or corrections be rejected, the bill shall be sent a second time to the chamber, and if the said additions or corrections be insisted on by a majority of two-thirds of the members present, the bill shall be sent back to the other chamber and said additions or corrections shall not be regarded as again rejected, unless by the concurrent vote of two-thirds of its members present. sessions of congress Art. 52 The ordinary sessions of Congress shall begin on the first day of June of each year, and shall close on the first of September. Art. 53 When convoked in extraordinary session it shall consider the business for which it has been called together, to the exclusion of any other. Art. 54 The Senate shall not enter into or continue in session without the concurrence of one-third of its members, nor the Chamber of Deputies without that of one-fourth of its members. Art. 55 If on the day indicated in the constitution for the opening of the ordinary sessions, Congress shall be sitting in extraordinary session, this latter shall be closed and the matter for which it had been con- voked shall continue to be considered in the ordinary session. Art. 56 The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies shall open and close their ordinary, as well as extraordinary sessions, at the same time. The Senate, however, may assemble without the presence of the Chamber of Deputies for the exercise of the judicial functions indicated in part second of Art. 39. The Chamber of Deputies shall continue its sessions without the presence of the Senate, if at the conclusion of the regular term there shall be pending any charges against the officials designated in part second of Art. 38, but only for the purpose of declaring whether such charges are weM founded. the standing committee Art. 57 Before the close of its ordinary sessions. Congress shall each year