Page:A history of Hungarian literature.djvu/120

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Io6 HUNGARIAN LITERATURE "Popular poetry is the true poetry . We must strive to as s ure its supremacy in literature. When once the people begin to reign in p oefry, they will be nearer to that political power wh ich it is one of the aims of the century to give them." Arany said " Amen l " The same year in which Petőfi wro te this (1H47), Edward Szigligeti's first popular play, The Horse-Herd, was performed. Szigligeti introduced the peasants on to the stage and showed them in dramatic co nflicts as the centre of serious interest ; before his time they had only furnished the episodic humoraus elements in a play. JOHN ERD:l l: LYI (t814-1868) bega n a work simitar to that of Bishop Percy in England . He studied folk-lore and colleeted a number of songs, tal es and ballads, which had previously been disdained. In his preface he de­ clared that the collection formed one link of the chain wh ich would bind the different classes of the community together. Th e two great currents, the demoeratic and the patriotic, united, and augmenting each other's powe r and rapidity, gave new direction and force to Hungarian gen i us.