- Gyóry, William, 151
- Gypsy, The, 263
- Gypsies of Nagy Ida, 262
- Gyulai, Pál, 183
- Gyulay, Paul, 156, 234, 262, 269, 270 (biography), 276
- Gyurkovics Girls, The, 282
- Hadik, Andrew, 83
- Hajnóczy, 103
- Hamlet, 156
- Handbuch der Ungarischen Poesie, 209
- Heltai, Gaspar, 273
- Herczeg, Francis, 282, 283 (biography)
- Herder, 95 (on Hungary)
- Hess, Andrew, 35
- Himfy's Love, 97, 108
- History of Budapest, 274
- History of Hungary, 125
- History of Transylvania, 273
- Hoary Gypsy, The, 144, 261
- Honvéd Army, 279
- Horse Herd, The, 263
- Horváth, Michel, 274
- Hunfalvy, Paul, 275
- Hungarian Academy, 94
- Hungarian Encyclopædia, 55
- Hungarian Lifeguard Officers, 88
- Hungarian Nabob, A, 186
- Hungary under Turkish Rule, 274
- Hunyadi, John, 18
- Hunyadi, Ladislas, 27
- Hunyadi, Matthias, 3
- Huss, John, 41
- Hymnus, 123
- Ideen zur Geschichte der Ilfenschheit, 95
- Ildikó, 237
- Imre (St.), 12
- Institutes (Calvin), 57
- Into the Kitchen door I strolled, 205
- Irene, 115
- Iron Man, The, 206
- Istvánffy, Paul, 50
- János Vitéz, 210
- Janus Pannonius, 30
- Jókai, Maurus, 183, 271
- Joseph II., Emperor, 80
- Joseph Palatine, 118
- Jósika, Baron Nicholas, 169
- Judith, 46
- Judith Simon, 284
- Julius Cæsar (Shakespeare), 150
Káldi, George, 41
- Kálmán the Wise, King, 18
- Kármán, Joseph, 167
- Károli, Jasper, 41
- Katona, Joseph (biography), 123
- Katona's Bánk Bán, 272
- Katona, Stephen, 273
- Kazinczy, Francis, 88 (biography), 271
- Kelemen, Ladislas, 113
- Kemény, Baron Sigimund, 180
- Kemény, John, 67
- King Lear, 151
- Kisfaludy, Alexander, 97 (biography), 101
- Kisfaludy, Charles 43 (biography), 111
- Kisfaludy Society, 249
- Kiss, John, 96
- Kiss, Joseph, 284
- Kiss, The, 282
- Kölcsey, Francis, 43, 120 (biography), 123, 127
- Körner, 114
- Körösi Csoma, Alexander, 100, 275
- Kossuth, Louis, 97, 120, 159 (biography), 249, 271
- Kurucz Poetry, 70
- Kotzebue, 114
- Kun Szabó, Alexander, 150
- Kutyakaparó, 209
- Laczkovics, 103
- Ladislas Hunyadi, 79
- Ladislas (St.), 18
- Lapps, 8
- Leibnitz (on the Hungarian Language), 8
- Letters from Turkey, 73
- Lévay, Joseph, 276
- Liliomfi, 263
- Lillo, George, 125
- Lippi, Filipo, 26
- Liszt, Francis, 97
- Living Statue, The, 145
- Lodovico Moro, 21
- Loew (Magyar Poetry), 119, 144, 242, 245
- Lorántfy, Susan, 57