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CHATTO & WINDUS, PICCADILLY. Crown 8vo, cloth gilt and gilt edges, 7-r. 6a. The Golden Treasury of Thought ; AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF QUOTATIONS from Writers of all Times and Countries. Selected and Edited by THEODORE TAYLOR. Square i6mo (Tauchnitz size), cloth extra, 2s. per volume The Golden Library : Bayard Taylor's Diver- sions of the Echo Club. The Book of Clerical A nec- dotes. Byron's Don Juan. Carlyle (Thomas) on the Choice of Books. With a Me- moir, is. 6d. Emer soil's Letters and Social Aims. Godwin' s( William )Lives of the Necromancers. Holmes' s Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. With an In- troduction by G. A. SAL A. Holmes' s Professor at the Breakfast Table. Hood's Whims and Oddi- ties. Complete. With all the original Illustrations. Irving' s ( Washington) Tales of a Traveller. Irving' s ( Washington) Tales of the Alhambra. Jesse's (Edward) Scenes and Occupations of Country Life. Lamb's Essays of Elia. Both Series Complete in One Vol. Leigh Hunt's Essays : A Tale for a Chimney Corner, and other Pieces. With Portrait, and Introduction by EDMUND OLLIER Mallory's (Sir Thomas) Mart d' Arthur : The Stories of King Arthur and of the Knights of the Round Table. Edited by B. MONTGOMERIE RANKING. Pascal's Provincial Let- ters. A New Translation, with Historical Introduction and Notes, by T. M'CRIE, D.D., LL.D. Pope's Complete Poetical Works. Rochefoucauld 's Maxims and Moral Reflections. With Notes, and an Introductory Essay by SAINTE-BEUVE. St. Pierre's Paul and Virginia, and the Indian Cot- tage. Edited, with Life, by the Rev. E. CLARKE. Shelley 's Early Poems and Queen Mab t with Essay by LEIGH HUNT. Shelley's Later Poems : Laon and Cythna, &c. Shelley's Posthumous Poems, the Shelley Papers, &c. Shelley's Prose Works, including A Refutation of Deism, Zastrozzi, St. Irvyne, &c. White's Natural History of Selborne. Edited, with addi- tions, by THOMAS BROWN, F.L.S. " A series of excellently printed and carefully annotated -volumes, Jiandy in size, and altogeilier attractive." BOOKSELLER.