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26 BOOKS PUBLISHED BY NEW WORK by the Atithor of " THE NEW REPUBLIC." Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 3^. 6d. The New Paul and Virginia; or, Positivism on an Island. By W. H. MALLOCK, Author of "The New Republic." Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with Vignette Portraits, price 6s. per Vol. The Old Dramatists ; Ben Jensen's Works. ALGERNON CHARLES SWIN- With Notes, Critical and Ex- JRNE A h V T Y I 11 ' JjTransla- planatory, and a Biographical ^ns of the Iliad and Odyssey. Memoir by WILLIAM GIFFORD. Edited by Col. CUNNINGHAM. Three Vols. Marlowe's 'Works. Including his Translations. Edit- ed, with Notes and Introduction, Chapman 's Works. bv Co1 - CUNNINGHAM. One Vol. Now First Collected. Complete Massinger 's Plays. in Three Vols. Vol. I. contains From the Text of WILLIAM the Plays complete, including the j GIFFORD. With the addition of doubtful ones ; Vol. II. the ) the Tragedy of "Believe as you Poems and Minor Translations, I List." Edited by Col. CUN- with an Introductory Essay by I NINGHAM. One Vol. Fcap. tfvo, cloth extra, 6s. O'Shaughnessy's (Arthur) An Epic of Women, and other Poems. Second Edition. Crown Svo, cloth extra, los. 6d. O'Shaughnessy's Lays of France. (Founded on the " Lays of Marie.") Second Edition. Fcap. Svo, cloth extra, js. 6d. O* Shaughnessy 's Music and Moonlight : Poems and Songs. Crown Svo, illustrated boards, with numerous Plates, 2s. td. Old Point Lace, and How to Copy and Imitate It. By DAISY WATERHOUSE HAWKINS. With 17 Illustrations by the Author. Crown Svo, carefully printed on creamy paper, and tastefully bound in cloth for the Library, price 6s. each. The Piccadilly Novels: popular ajtcrtctf fcg tf;c 23cst 3ut&ar. A ntonina. By WILKIE COLLINS. Illustrated by Sir J. GILBERT and ALFRED CONCANEN. Basil. By WILKIE COLLINS. Illustrated by Sir JOHN GILBERT and J. MAHONEY.