Page:A history of booksellers, the old and the new.djvu/561

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CIIATTO & WINDUS, PICCADILLY. 37 Mr. Swinburne's Works ; The Queen Mother and Rosamond. Fcap. 8vo, 5*. Atalanta in Calydon. A New Edition. Crown 8vo, 65. Chastelard. A Tragedy. Crown 8vo, 7*. Poems and Ballads. Fcap. 8vo, 95. Also in crown 8vo, at same price. Notes on "Poems and Ballads" 8vo, ij. William Blake: A Critical Essay. With Facsimile Paintings. Demy 8vo, i6j. Songs before Sunrise. Crown 8vo, IQJ. 6d. Bothwell: A Tragedy. Two Vols. crown 8vo, I2J. 6d. George Chapman: An Essay. Crown 8vo, js. Songs of Two Nations. Crown 8vo, 6j. Essays and Studies. Crown 8vo, I2J. Erechtheus : A Tragedy. Crown 8vo, 6s. Note of an English Re- publican on the Muscovite Cru- sade. 8vo, is. A Note on CharlotteB route. Crown 8vo, 6*. MR. SWINBURNE'S NEW WORK. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gs. Poems and Ballads. SECOND SERIES. By ALGERNON CHARLES SWINBURNE. %* Also in fcap. 8vo, at same price, uniform with the FIRST SERIES. Fcap. 8vo, cloth extra, 3^. 6d. Rossetti's(W. M.) Criticism upon Swin- burnts " Poems and Ballads." Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, *js. 6d. Swiff s Choice Works, in Prose and Verse. With Memoir, Portrait, and Facsimiles of the Maps in the Original Edition of " Gulliver's Travels." " The ' Tale of a Tub ' is, in my apprehension, the masterpiece of Swift ; certainly Rabelais has nothing superior, even in invention, nor anything so con- densed, so pointed, so full of real meaning, of biting satire, of felicitous analogy. The* Battle of the Books' is such an improvement on the similar combat in the Lutrin, that we can hardly own it as an imitation." HALLAM. "If he had never written either the ' Tale of a Tub ' or ' Gulliver's Travels? his name merely as a poet would have come down to us, and have gone down to pos* terity % with well-earned honours" HAZLITT.