Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/105

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ECHOES OF JOACHITISM. 89 the council still sitting at Basle he sent various tracts containing these doctrines, and he finally had the audacity to appear before it in person. His writings were promptly consigned to the flames and he was imprisoned. Every effort was made to induce him to recant, but in vain. The Basilian fathers were less considerate of insanity than the Paris doctors, and Nicholas perished at the stake in 1446.* A last echo of the Everlasting Gospel is heard in the teaching of two brothers, John and Lewin of Wiirzburg, who in 1466 taught in Eger that all tribulations were caused by the wickedness of the clergy. The pope was Antichrist, and the cardinals and prelates were his members. Indulgences were useless and the ceremonies of the Church were vanities, but the time of deliverance was at hand. A man was already born of a virgin, who was the anoint- ed of Christ and would speedily come with the third Evangel and bring all the faithful into the fold. The heresy was rapidly and secretly spreading among the people, when it was discovered by Bishop Henry of Ratisbon. The measures taken for its sup- pression are not recorded, and the incident is only of interest as showing how persistently the conviction reappeared that there must be a final and higher revelation to secure the happiness of man in this world and his salvation in the next.f

  • Fiiesslius neue u. unpartheyische Kirchen- u. Ketzerhistorie, Frankfurt,1772,

II. 63-66. f Chron. Glassberger ann. 1466 (Analecta Franciscana II. 422-6).