Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/20

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4 THE SPIRITUAL FRANCISCANS. feebled to preside, Elias acted as spokesman and Francis sat at his feet, pulling his gown when he wanted anything said. In 1223 we hear of Caesarius, the German provincial, going to Italy " to the blessed Francis or the Friar Elias." When, through in- firmity or inability to maintain discipline, Francis retired from the generalate, Elias was vicar-general of the Order, to whom Francis submitted himself as humbly as the meanest brother, and on the death of the saint, in October, 1226, it was Elias who noti- fied the brethren throughout Europe of the event, and informed them of the Stigmata, which the humility of Francis had always concealed. Although in February, 1227, Giovanni Parent i of Flor- ence, was elected general, Elias seems practically to have retained control. Parties were rapidly forming themselves in the Order, and the lines between them were ever more sharply drawn. Elias was worldly and ambitious ; he had the reputation of being one of the ablest men of affairs in Italy ; he could foresee the power attaching to the command of the Order, and he had not much scruple as to the means of attaining it. He undertook the erec- tion of a magnificent church at Assisi to receive the bones of the humble Francis, and he was unsparing in his demands for money to aid in its construction. The very handling of money was an abomination in the eyes of all true brethren, yet all the prov- inces were called upon to contribute, and a marble coffer was placed in front of the building to receive the gifts of the pious. This was unendurable, and Friar Leo went to Perugia to consult with the blessed Gilio, who had been the third associate to join St. Francis, who said it was contrary to the precepts of the found- er. " Shall I break it, then ?" inquired Leo. " Yes," replied Gilio, k> if you are dead, but if you are alive, let it alone, for you will not be able to endure the persecution of Elias." Notwithstand- ing this warning, Leo went to Assisi, and with the assistance of some comrades broke the coffer ; Elias filled all Assisi with his wrath, and Leo took refuge in a hermitage.*

  • Frat. Jordani Chron. c. 9, 14, 17, 31, 50 (Analecta Franciscana, Quaracchi,

1885, I. 4-6, 11, 16).— S. Francis. Testament. (Opp. p. 47); Ejusd. Epistt. vi., vii., viii. (lb. 10-11).— Auioni Legenda S. Francisci, p. 106 (Roma, 1880).— Wad- ding, ann. 1229, No. 2.— Chron. Glassberger ann. 1227 (Analect. Franciscana II p. 45).