Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/681

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INDEX Abubkviationb. — Abp.=Archbishop. — Bp.=Bishop. — C.=Conncil. — exc.=cxcommunicatlon or excommunicated.— Iuq.=Iuquisitiou.—iuq.=inqui6itor. ABELARD on the sale of salvation, i. 41. his " Sic et iVorc," i. 57. Abjuration of penitents in autos de fk, i. 392. of suspects, i. 456. by confessed heretics, i. 457. receivable at the stake, i. 542. necessity of, ii. 476. required of Huss, ii. 485. modified offered to Huss, ii. 488, 489. of Jerome of Prague, ii. 499. of Joan of Arc, iii. 370. of sorcery, iii. 499. not required of Savonarola, iii. 234 ; nor of Gilles de Rais, iii. 486. Abruzzi, a refuge for Cathari, ii. 245. Absentees, trial of, i. 403. confiscation of their property, i. 504. Absolution by wholesale, i. 40. concurrence of bishop and inq. in, i. 336. of familiars, i. 381. mutual, of inqs., i. 422. priestly, unavailing, i. 462. Abundia, Domina, iii. 494. Abuses of familiars, i, 382. pecuniary, of Inq., i. 477. Abyssinia, Dominican missions in, i. 298. Inq. in, i. 355. Academy of Rome, iii. 570. Acciajuoli, their debt to Clement VI., ii. 277. Accomplices, evidence of, i. 434. Accursio, Fra, his proceedings against Ghib- ellines, iii. 201. burns Cecco d'Ascoli, iii. 443. Accusatio, i. 310. discouraged by Inq,, i. 401. Accusations of heresy, their political utility, iii. 191. Accused, examination of, i. 410. preliminary oath of, i. 399. Accuser, security required of, i. 402. Acerinus, St., i. 460. Achaia, Templars prosecuted in, iii. 285. Acquittal prohibited, i. 453 ; iii. 513. Acre, fall of, in 1291, iii. 246. Acts, unimportance of, i. 100 ; iii. 644. Ada d'Avesnes, her piety, i. 45 Adalbert, Bp., teaches angel-worship, iii. 412. Adam, inquisitorial trial of, i. 406. Adam of Bremen, his account of northern church, iii. 1 83. Adam de Marisco, his belief in pseudo-Joa- chim, iii. 13. Adamites in Bohemia, ii. 518. Adamo da Como, his rigor, ii. 244. Ad conditorem, bull, iii. 133. Ad extirpanda, bull, i. 337, 421, 510 ; ii. 214 ; iii. 191,431. Adjuration for mercy, i. 227,534. Adoptianism, i. 217. Adoration of heretics, its significance, i. 95, 450. Ad providam, bull, iii. 323. Adrian IV. overcomes Arnald of Brescia, i. 74. Adrian V. protects John of Parma, iii. 25. Adrian VI. commends Maximus, i. 214. orders persecution of witches, iii. 546. Advocates of heretics, their punishment, i. 321. denial of, i. 444 ; ii. 478. appointed by inq. iii. 517. ^Eneas Sylvius — see Pius II. iEsir, their magic powers, iii. 403. Affirmative apostoli, i. 451. Affonso II. (Portugal) persecutes heresy, it 188. Africa, Inq. in, i. 355. Age for holding benefices, i. 25 ; ii. 433. of inqs., i. 374. of responsibility, i. 402, 436; ii. 399. Agnus Dei, iii. 410. Agostino Luciano serves Calixtins, ii. 565. Agobard (St.) of Lyons denies sorcery, iii. 414. Agrippa, Cornelius, on suspicion of heresy, i. 455. his belief in Joachim, iii. 11. defends a witch, iii. 545. Ahriman, influence of the conception of, iii. 379. Aicardo, Abp. of Milan, tries Matteo Viscon- ti, iii. 199. Aikenhead, hanged for heresy, i. 354.