Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/683

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INDEX. 667 Alexander IV. introduces Inq. in Bohemia ii 428. forces John of Parma to resign, iii. 24. on the question of poverty, iii. 27, 28. preaches crusade against Manfred, iii. 193. grants restricted jurisdiction on sorcery to Inq., iii. 434. his dealings with Greek Church, iii. 619. on qucestuarii, iii. 622. Alexander V. provides for expenses of Inq. i. 532; ii. 138. orders Talmud burned, i. 556. orders Wickliff's books suppressed, ii. 443. orders Hussitism suppressed, ii. 447. his instructions to Pons Feugevron, ii. 157 ; iii. 204. Alexander VI., his excommunication scorned in France, ii. 137. tolerates Waldenses, ii. 160. supports the Mendicants, i. 292. his dealings with Savonarola, iii. 214-21, 232. orders persecution of witches, iii. 546. rehabilitates Giov. Pico, iii. 574. evades question of Immaculate Concep- tion, iii. 602. his cynicism, iii. 644. Alexander VIII. canonizes Capistrano, ii. 555. Alexians, ii. 351. Alexis Comnenus converts the Paulicians, i. 90. Alfonso I. (Naples), his Humanism, iii. 566, 567. Algisius releases heretics, i. 452. commutes penances, i. 473. Alibi, resort to, i. 447. Alienations by heretics invalid, i. 520. Allart on Templar possessions, iii. 252. Allegiance dissolved by heresy, ii. 469. Alma mater, bull, iii. 297. Alonso I. (Aragon), his bequest to Military Orders, iii. 240. addicted to divination, iii. 429. Alonso II. (Aragon), persecutes Waldenses, i. 81. decrees confiscation, i. 502. Alonso V. (Aragon) favors Lullism, iii. 587. Alonso IX. (Castile) wins battle of Las Navas, i. 169. Alonso X. (Castile), his laws on heresy, i. 221 ; ii. 183. on Jewish books, i. 555. on occult arts, iii. 430. on denial of immortality, iii. 560. denounced as Antichrist, iii. 24. Alonso XI. (Castile) retains Templar prop- erty, iii. 333. Alonso de Almarzo, his heresy, ii. 186. Alonso of Avila on plenary indulgence, i. 43. on Spanish Inq., ii. 186. Alonso de Spina on death-penalty, i. 535. Alonzo de Spina on condition of Spain ii 186, 187. condemns astrology, iii. 44. r >. disbelieves the Sabbat, iii. 41 Aloutier, Jean, denies Binlcasnesi of Virgin, iii. 60:5. b Alphonse of Poitiers marries Jeanne of Tou- louse, i. 206. urges use of synodal witnesses, i. 317. commutes confiscations, i. 516. his zeal for the Inq., i. 519. 527, 528 ; ii. 48. grants jurisdiction to Inq., iii. 435. his death, ii. 66. Alphonse of Portugal, burning of, ii. 142, Altburg, Beguines ejected, ii. 413. Altenesch, battle of, 1234, iii. 188. Amadeo VI. (Savoy) ordered to persecute, ii. 153,261. Amadeo VII., his lukewarmness, ii. 256, 261. Amadeo VIII. elected pope, ii. 533. Amadeo de' Land), case of, ii. 271. Amasis of Egypt, iii. 418. Amauri de Bene, his heresy, ii. 320. influences German mysticism, ii. 354, 360. Amauri de Montfort, i. 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190,198,205. Amauri of Tyre arrests Templars of Cypru9, iii. 309. Amaurians, their suppression, ii. 321. doctrine of the three eras, iii. 17. Ambrose, St., excommunicates Maximus, i. 214. Amelius of Toulouse represses Cathari, i. 1 1 7. Amiel de Perles, i. 393 ; ii. 106, 107, 130, 240. Amiens, Bp. of, refuses to burn witches, iii. 533. Amistance of Narbonne, ii. 13. Amizzoni, Lanfranco de', inq., iii. 98. Amosites, ii. 566. Amselfeld, battles of, ii. 306, 311. Amulets, relics worn as, i. 49. Anagni, Commission of, condemns Joachim, iii. 16, 22. prevalence of heresy in 1258, ii. 238. Anathema, papal, heresy of disregarding, iii. 181. Ancona, Clareni in, iii. 40. Franciscan laxity in, iii. 34. Fraticelli persecuted, iii. 175, 176, 177. Andrea Saramita, iii. 91, 93, 94, 95, 97, 98, 100, 101. Andrea da Segna protects Spirituals, iii. 40. Andreani, burned at Pisa, ii. 282. Andreas of Caffa, inq. of Tartarv, i. 355. Andreas of Hungary, ii. 294. Andreas of Krain summons a general coun- cil, iii. 223. Andreas, Bp. of Minorca, on corruption of Church, iii. 638. Andreas of Prague condemned, ii. 437. Andres, abbey of, its litigation, i. 22.