Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/692

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676 INDEX. Burning of Templars for revoking confes- sions, iii. 295, 308, 324, 325. invariable for witches, iii. 515. of books, i. 554; ii. 466, 490; iii. 85, 438, 446, 453, 490. Burzet, Sire de, killed by love-potion, iii. 463. CABASSE, Raymond, burns Catharine Same, ii. 157. Cabestaing, C. of, 1166, i. 119. Olivists burned at, iii. 77. Caesarius of Heisterbach on episcopal wicked- ness, i. 13. on monastic disorders, i. 36. on spread of heresy, i. 128. on liberty, ii. 321. his demonology, iii. 381, 383. Caesarius of Speier, his martyrdom, iii. 6. Cagots, the, ii. 108. Cahors, Inq. in, ii. 9. Caietano, Card., his dealings with Luther, ii. 426. Cairo, martyrdom of Templars in, iii. 277. Calabria, Cat'nari in, i. 116; ii. 245. Waldensian settlements, ii. 248, 268, 269. Calcagni, Ruggieri, inq. of Florence, i. 327 ; ii. 210. Caldron, the witches', iii. 406, 408. Caligula, cause of his insanity, iii. 391. Calixtins — see Utraquists. Calixtus II. condemns Cathari, i. 117. Calixtus III. favors the Mendicants, i. 293. stimulates the Inq., ii. 265. 271. orders crusade against Turks, ii. 553. invites Rokyzana, ii. 556. orders rehabilitation of Joan of Arc, iii. 378. orders witches persecuted, iii. 546. patronizes Lorenzo Yalla, iii. 567. Calo Johannes of Bulgaria, ii. 292. Calvinists, merger of Waldenses with, ii. 268. Cambrai, heresy in 11th cent., i. 110. case of Marie du Canecl), i. 479. heretics burned at, ii. 115, 317. Men of Intelligence, ii. 406. chapter of, and their Bp., iii. 447. Camerino, the Fraticelli favored in, iii. 159, 160. Can Grande della Scala, iii. 197, 201. Canavese, witches of, iii. 503, 515-18. Canidia, iii. 390. Canneman, John, suppresses Waldenses, ii. 416. Cannibalism of witches, iii. 407, 503. Canonical purgation — see Compurgation. Canonries, papal efforts to control, i. 195; iii. 67. Canterbury, pilgrimages to, ii. 31. Cap of darkness, iii. 406, 421. Capello di Chia, case of, i. 342 ; ii. 239. Capistrano, his character, ii. 546, 554. appointed inq., ii. 270. suppresses Tommaso of Florence, ii. 272. investigates the Jesuats, ii. 274. persecutes Jews, ii. 286, 287, 549. rebukes Nicholas of Cusa, ii. 473. his mission to Bohemia, ii. 547. endeavors to reunite the Franciscans, iii. 173. persecutes Fraticelli, iii. 176, 177. veneration felt for him, iii. 179. his death and canonization, ii. 554, 555. Capitani di Santa Maria of Florence, ii. 211. Caracalla persecutes magicians, iii. 392. Caraman, Catharan Council of, i. 119. Carbonello, Lorenzo, in Tunis, iii. 167. Carcassonne, preponderance of heresy in, i. 138. capture of, i. 155. assembly of experts in 1329, i. 390. prison of Inq. at, i. 491, 492, 494. appeals to Philippe III., ii. 58. attempt to destroy records, i. 381 ; ii. 59. appeals to king and pope, ii. 60. struggles with Inq., ii. 68, 69, 70, 78, 82. its despair and treason, ii. 88. its punishment, ii. 90. accuses the Inq., ii. 92. investigation by cardinals at, ii. 93. contempt for Dominicans, ii. 132. contest between inqs. in 1424, ii. 138. persecution of Waldenses, ii. 148. convent given to Spirituals, iii. 62. Olivists burned, iii. 77. C. of, 1310, on Templars, iii. 295, 296. Carieulx, Pierre des, iii. 523, 526. Carino Balsamo, his murder of Peter Martvr, i. 460 ; ii. 214. Carlovingian legislation on heresy, i. 218. system of inquests, i. 308. sorcery under, iii. 413. Carmelites, recognition of the Order, iii. 32, 103, 107. they cite the pseudo-Joachim, iii. 12. their Averrhoism, iii. 564. Cardinals, oath of, in conclave, i. 6. bribery of, ii. 90, 92. Carnaschio, Rio, iii. 116, 117. Carpentras, conclave of, ii. 98. Carta de Logu, inqs. in, i. 311. Casser. capture of, i. 162. Castel Fabri, case of, i. 445, 449 ; ii. 69, 73. Castell>o, heretics persecuted in, ii. 165, 167. Castelnaudary, siege of, i. 168. Castile, punishment for heresy in, i. 221. law as to houses of heretics, i. 482. treatment of Jewish books, i. 555. dealings with heresy, ii. 180.