Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/698

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6S2 INDEX. Conventuals (Franciscan) persecute Spiritu- als, iii. 23, 33, 38, 40, 57, 78. insult Celesun V., iii. 37. supported by Boniface VIIT., iii. 41. repressed by Clement V., iii. 58, 61. a.-sail Gentile of Spoleto, iii. 171. their quarrels with Observantiues, iii. 173. their prevailing laxity, iii. 174. oppose the Recollects, iii. 180. Conversion not to be enforced, i. 242. time allowed for, i. 393. procured by torture, i. 417. Converts from heresy imprisoned, i. 321, 484. confiscation for, i. 507. from Judaism, ii. 63. Conviction, motives impelling to, i. 408. Coranda, Wenceslas, ii. 512, 513, 518. Corasse, the Sieur de, and his demon, iii. 383. Cord of Chastity of Templars, iii. 314. Cordes, Dominicans killed at, ii. 12. accuses the Inq., ii. 92. reconciliation of, i. 483 ; ii. 103. Cordova, school of magic in, iii. 429. Cornelis, Wilhelm, his heresy, ii. 352. Cornille, Martin, iii. 524, 531, 533. Coronation, imperial, ceremony of, i. 225. Coronation-edict of Frederic II., how drawn up, i. 322. Corpses, profits derived from, i. 30, 280. exhumation of, i. 232, 404, 553 ; iii. 188. Corrado Coppa, iii. 97. Corrado da Offida, iii. 41. Corruption, heresv justified bv, i. 54, 129 ; ii. 493, 531. Corsica, Inq. in, ii. 255. Templars of, prosecuted, iii. 285. Cortenuova, battle of, ii. 206. Cossa, Balthasar — see John XXIII. Cossolament, i. 94. Cotereaux, i. 125, 205. Cotta, Dionisio, iii. 92, 93. Council-, general, dreaded bv papacv, ii. 529 ; iii. 223. Counsel, denial of, i. 444 ; iii. 290. appointed by Inq., iii. 517. result of admitting them, iii. 518. refusal of, in Huss's case, ii. 478. offered to Joan of Arc, iii. 366. Counsellors of inqs., i. 376. Counter-Reformation, its temper, iii. 578. Courts, spiritual, character of, i. 21 ; iii. 630, 632. Covenansa, la, i. 94. Coventry, Bp. of, accused of sorcery, iii. 451. Credentes, i. 94. punishment of, i. 321 ; ii. 10. Creditors of heretics unpaid, i. 524. Cremona, decree of, by Frederic II., i. 221. witches of, persecuted, iii. 546. Crescenzio Grizzi, Franciscan general, iii. 7. Crete, magicians of, iii. 389. Greek Church in, iii. 620. Crimea, Fraticelli missions in, iii. 167. Criminal law, secular, i. 234, 401. influence of Inq. on, i. 559. Criminals, their evidence received, i. 434. Crivelli, Leonardo, inq., iii. 574. Croatia, Wickliffitism in, ii. 542. Crocesegnati, the, ii. 217. Cross, veneration of, by the Templars, iii. 272. fetichism of the, iii. 395. sign of, protects from witches, iii. 506. Crosses, incombustibility of Templars', iii. 303. penance of, i. 468. penalty for evading, i. 396, 549. not known in Germany, ii. 336. first use of, in Germany, ii. 370. in the form of scissors, ii. 361. redemption for, iii. 101. Crown, extension of its jurisdiction, ii. 57. Crucigeri, Order of, i. 267. Crudacio, Abbot of, sent to Germanv, iii. 303. Crusade of the children in 1208, i. i47, 268. Crusaders, immunities of, i. 44, 148. their savage cruelty, i. 162. their demoralization, i. 42; iii. 642. redemption of their vows, i. 198, 205, 206. Crusades, origin of indulgences for. i. 42. preached by Foulques de Xeuilly, i. 245. ordered as penance, i. 466; ii. 31, 47, 395. first emplovment of, against heresv in 1181, i. 124. against Albigenses, i. 147. against opponents of the papacv, i. 44 ; ii. 226; iii. 189, 195. against Ezzelin da Romano, ii. 227. against Maufred of Naples, ii. 231 ; iii. 193. against Bosnian Cathari, ii. 294, 296, 304, 306, 311. against heretics in Germanv, ii. 340, 343. against Hussites, ii. 516, 525, 530, 534, 536. against Hussites urged in 1452, ii. 550. against Turks in 1455. ii. 553. against Bohemia in 1468, ii. 550. against Dolcino, iii. 114, 115, 116. against the Stedingers, iii. 186. against Viterbo, iii. 189. against Frederick II., iii. 189. against Aragon, iii. 190. against Ferrara, iii. 195. against the Yisconti, iii. 197, 201. against the Maffredi, iii. 204. Culin of Bosnia, ii. 291. Cum inter ?ionmillos, bull, iii. 134. Cumans, martvrdom of Dominicans among, ii. 293, 297." Cup withdrawn from laity, ii. 473. Curative sorcerv condemned, iii. 464. 507.