Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/701

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INDEX. GS5 Durand, Bp. of Albi, ii. 40, 42. Durand, Bp. of Mende, on ligatures, iii. 418. on sorcery, iii. 426. on the Divine Vision, iii. 593. on trials for simony, iii. 626. Durand Boissa, case of, i. 420. Durango, case of Alonso de Mella, iii. 169. Durant, inq., examines prisoners of Mont- segur, ii. 43. Dusii, iii. 383. Duty of persecution, i. 224. of ruler to burn heretics, i. 536. to burn witches, iii. 547. Duval, Simon, his formulas, i. 370. EATING of men by witches, iii. 407, 408, 411, 413, 503. Ebionitic toleration, i. 210. Ebner, Margaret, supports Louis of Bavaria, iii. 154. Ecclesiastical courts, growth of, i. 309. evidence in, i. 430. jurisdiction over sorcery, iii. 428. law means torture, iii. 300. property, immunity of, i. 34. Ecclesiastics, their personal immunity, i. 32. forbidden to practise surgery, i. 223. their favor for heretics, i. 328. heresy of, ii. 3. Eck, Dr. John, inq., ii. 425. Eckart, case of Master, i. 360; ii. 359. Edeline, Guillaume, case of, iii. 512, 515, 536. Edward and Guthrum, on sorcery, iii. 420. Edward the Elder on sorcery, iii. 420. Edward II. (Eng.), his dealings with the Templars, iii. 298. surrenders Templar property, iii. 331. Edward III. (Eng.), enslaves Florentine mer- chants, ii. 281. Edward VI. (Eng.), repeals persecuting laws, i. 353. Egidio of Cortenuova protects heretics, ii. 219. Egidio da Roma, iii. 563. Egilbert, Abp. of Treves, iii. 419. Egiza, his laws on sorcery, iii. 399. Egypt, belief in incubi, iii. 383. belief in ligatures, iii. 418. magic in, iii. 387. Einhardt of Soest, his sale of penance, i. 27. Eleanor de Montfort, her suit, i. 516. Election of bps., i. 6. Elias, the Franciscan general, i. 295 ; iii. 3-7. Elias Patrice, ii. 88, 90. Elias Petit, i. 355 ; iii. 620. Elijah, his slaughter of Baal-priests, i. 238. Elipandus of Toledo, i. 217. Elizabeth of Bosnia persecutes Cathari, ii. 298. Elizabeth, (Eng.), repeals persecuting laws, i. 353. Elizabeth of Tharingta, St., ii. 326. Elolum aeherim, iii, 887«  Embezzlement by inqs., i. 511 ; ii. 279, Erobrun, persecution of Waldenses, ii 117, 162, 157. Emeric of Anchin on contempt felt for monks, i. 54. Emeric of Hungary, ii. 291. Emmerich, Community of, ii. Empenbacli, Waldensian bp. of, ii. 347. Emperor, his duty to persecute, i. 225. Empire, papal assertions of supremacy over, iii. 135. its independence of the papacy asserted, iii. 155, 157. Endura, i. 95, 96, 393. England, papal extortion in, i. 17. Cathari in, i. 113. punishment for heresy, i. 221. de hceretico eombwrendo i writ, i. 221. cruelty of criminal law, i. 285. Pastoureaux in, i. 271. inquests in, i. 311. persecution for heresy in, i. 352. peine forte et dure, i. 447. prisoners not chained, i. 488. confiscation, i. 503. no prosecution of the dead, i. 522. Joanna Southcote and Mary Ann Girl- ing, iii. 102. proceedings against the Templars, iii. 298. Templar property given to Hospitallers, iii. 331. case of Joan of Arc, iii. 338. conversion by S. Augustin, iii. 400. sorcery under the Saxons, iii. 420. absence of legislation on sorcery, iii. 427. sorcery in 14th and 15th centuries, iii. 458, 467. Enguerrand de Marignv hanged for sorcery, iii. 451. Enmity disables witnesses, i. 435, 436. of witnesses the onlv defence, i. 446, 448 ; iii. 517. Enrico da Settala of Milan, ii. 208. Enrique III. (Castile), decrees confiscation, ii. 185. Enrique IV. (Castile), favors persecution, ii. 186. his faith suspected, iii. 564. Enrique de Villena, iii. 489. Eon de l'tftoile, i. 66. Ephialtes, iii. 384. Episcopal censorship of press, iii. 614. co-operation with Inq., i. 387, 392; ii. 96, 140. Episcopal courts, their character, i. 21, 310; iii. 630, 632. use of torture in, i. 557. Episcopal Inq., i. 312, 330, 356. tried by Lucius III., i. 313. established by C. of Avignon, i. 814.