Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/704

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688 INDEX. Falsification of papal letters, i. 19. justiciable by Inq., iii. 102. of records, ii. 72. Familiars, i. 381. absolved by inqs., i. 343. tortured in Venice, ii. 273. armed, abuse of, i. 382 ; ii. 270, 274. Fantinus, papal orator, imprisoned, ii. 557. Farignano, Franciscan general, iii. 171, 172. Fastolf, Sir John, iii. 347. Fasts of the Cathari, i. 97. of Templars, iii. 275. Fatalism taught by Albert of Halberstadt, ii. 392. the heresy in astrology, iii. 439. Fauns, iii. 384. Fautorship. punishment of, i. 321, 461. relapse in, i. 547. advocates guiltv of, i. 444. Faydits, i. 180, 205 ;* ii. 252. Fazio da Doneratico surrenders Pier di Cor- bario, iii. 151. Fazio degli Uberti on Virgin Mary, iii. 598. Feast of the Conception, iii. 596, 598, 599, 600, 601. Fees for marriage and funerals, i. 28. Felipe of Majorca, iii. 81. Felix V. elected by C. of Basle, ii. 533. orders Inq. at Bernez, ii. 265. his abdication, ii. 541. Felix de Guzman, i. 248. Felix of Urgel, his heresy, i. 217. Fenouilledes, confiscation of, ii. 111. Ferdinand I. (Emp.), swears to support the Compactata, ii. 560. Ferdinand IV. (Aragon) urges Huss's burn- ing, ii. 469. Ferdinand V. (Aragon) strengthens Inq. of Aragon, ii. 179. confirms diploma of Fred. II., ii. 288. fails to introduce Inq. in Naples, ii. 289. threatens a general council, iii. 223. favors Lullism, iii. 587. Fernando III. (Castile) punishes heretics, ii. 182. Fernando IV. (Castile), his dealings with the Templars, iii. 316. Fernando de Cordoba taken for Antichrist, iii. 527. Ferrand of Majorca, Carcassonne offered to, ii. 89. Ferrara, Cathari in, i. 117, 192. case of Armanno Pongilupo, ii. 240. Clement V.'s seizure of, iii. 194. C. of, 1438, ii. 544. Ferrer, inq., his vengeance on Albi, ii. 12. investigates massacreof Avignonet,ii. 37. exc. Raymond VII., ii. 41. examines prisoners of Montsegur, ii. 43. Ferrer, S.Vicente, converts Waldenses, ii. 156. prosecuted by Eymerich, ii. 176. his Alpine mission, ii. 258, 264. defends Flagellants, ii. 384. Ferrer, S. Vicente, prophesies Antichrist, iii. 87. Ferri, Noel, iii. 533. Ferriz, Miguel, burns Wickliffites, ii. 179. Fetichism of mediaeval religion, i. 47. Feudal oath required of inqs., i. 351. Feyjoo, Fr., on Raymond Luily, iii. 578. Ficino, Marsilio, bis belief in Savonarola, iii. 211. his paganism, iii. 571. Figurines in Greece, iii. 389. in Rome, iii. 391. in Spain in 13th cent., iii. 430. case in 1279, iii. 434. constitute heresv, iii. 435. use of, i. 61; iii." 453, 455,458,467, 468. denied by University of Paris, iii. 464. Filippo Bonaccorso purities Serraione, ii. 235. Filippo of Fermo, legate to Hungary, ii. 298. Filippo Neri, St., his opinion of Savonarola, iii. 236. Filippo of Ravenna leads crusade against Ezzelin, ii. 227. Filippo, Bp. of Sidon, ii. 565. Filius Major and Minor, i. 93. Fines as penance, i. 460, 471. inqs. not to levy, i. 331. inqs. allowed to levy, i. 332. abuses of, i. 477. ruler obliged to exact, i. 338. bp. not to share in, i. 359. used for expenses of Inq., i. 525. taken by the State in Venice, ii. 252. Finns, magic among, iii. 403. Fiore, Order of, founded, iii. 10, 14. Fish eaten by Cathari, i. 97. Flacius Illyricus, his Manichaeism, i. 100. Flagellants appear in 1259, i. 272. origin of, in 1349, ii. 381. denounced as heretics, ii. 383. their persecution, ii. 385, 395, 405. their developed heresy, ii. 406. Flagellation, penance of, i. 464. Flagsre, Georg, case of, i. 235. Flanders, heresv of Tanchelm, i. 64. Cathari in, i. 110, 112. confiscation in, i. 521. heretics burned in, ii. 115. favor shown to Beguines, ii. 352. dancing mania in 1373, ii. 393. Florence, Cathari in, i. 117. legatine Inq. rejected, i. 317. laws on heresy in 1227, i. 320. accepts laws against heresy, i. 323, 339. Inq. founded in, i. 326. troubles about armed familiars, i. 383. extortions of Pier di Aquila, i. 479 ; il 276. destruction of houses, i. 482. confiscations in, i. 506, 510, 524. embezzlement by inqs., i. 511. mission of Giovanni Schio, ii. 203. triumph of Peter Martyr, ii. 209, 212.