Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/706

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690 INDEX. Francis, St., procures Portiuncula indulgence, i. 41 ; iii. 246. his approach to Manichaeism, i. 100. his favor for Elias, iii. 3. his defiance of demons, iii. 382. Franciscan habit, its use by the dying, i. 293. Franciscan heretic in 1226, iii. 3. Franciscan inqs., their term of office, i. 345. in Bohemia, ii. 428, 1-30. they burn Olivists, iii. 78. Franciscan Order, its origin and growth, i. 257, 258. founded on poverty, i. 265; iii. 2. Franciscan Rule divinely revealed, i. 259 ; iii. 3, 30. equal to the Gospel, iii. 28, 29. not to be commented on, iii. 31. relaxation of, iii. 5, 34, 60. Franciscan property, proprietorship in Holy See, iii. 8, 60, 133. Franciscan sorcerers in Venice, ii. 274 ; iii. 547. Franciscan statute against sorcery, iii. 452. Franciscan territory in France, ii. 119, 138. in Italy, ii. 221, 233. Franciscans at first persecuted as heretics, i. 259. their care of the sick, i. 261. banished by Frederic II., i. 275. cause the death of Honorius IV., i. 290. their losses in the Black Death, i. 292. their demoralization, i. 294; iii. 170, 173. their missionary labors, i. 297. as inqs., i. 301. their quarrels with Dominicans, i. 302 ; ii. 76, 171, 217, 299, 300; iii. 154, 599, 601. subject to Inq., i. 362. they assume defence of Castel Fabri, ii. 73. their antagonism to Inq., ii. 76, 86 ; iii. 98. question as to the blood of Christ, ii. 171. their labors in Bosnia, ii. 295-313, 315. they persecute heretics in Germanv, ii. 334, 346. their labors with the Hussites, ii. 555, 560. their tendencies to mysticism, iii. 2. their devices to elude povertv, iii. 5, 7, 8, 29, 30. annulled by John XXIL, iii. 132. heresy of the Spirit of Liberty, iii. 125. their breach with John XXII., iii. 132, 152. their alliance with Louis of Bavaria, iii. 137, 153. they maintain the povertv of Christ, iii. 143, 148. their sympathy with Fraticelli, iii. 158. ascetic movements among, iii. 171. their Nominalism, iii. 556 Franciscans, they hold Lully asasaint,iii.589. at first deny Immaculate Conception, iii. 598.' afterwards assert it, iii. 599. (see also Conventuals, Spirituals, Frati- celli, Observantines, Mendicants.) Francois Aimeric denounces the Inq., ii. 92. Francois Sanche, his imprisonment, iii. 71. Frankfort, diet of, 1234. ii. 343. diet of, in 1454, ii. 552. Reichstag of, in 1338, iii. 155. Franquet d'Arras, iii. 356. Franz von Lautern, iii. 138. Franz von Sickingen supports Reuchlin, ii. 425. Fraticelli, the, iii. 81, 129. their development in Italy, iii. 158. their popes, iii. 164, 175. their refuge in Naplts and Sicilv, ii. 248,249; iii. 158, 165. their relics worshipped in Sicily, ii. 284 ; iii. 166. active persecution in 15th cent., ii. 283 ; iii. 175. Fratres de paupere vita, iii. 72, 75, 159. Fredegonda burns sorceresses, iii. 410. Frederic I. (Emp.), his treatment of Arnald of Brescia, i. 74. on duty of persecution, i. 224. his indifference to persecution, i. 319. Frederic II. (Emp.), on obduracv of Cathaii, i. 105. decrees burning for heresy, i. 221. admits his duty to persecute, i. 225. his policv as to persecution, i. 233 ; ii. 197, 245. his cruelty, i. 235. his troubles with the Mendicants, i. 275. tries secular Inq., i. 325. his rules for suspects, i. 403, 454. admits evidence of heretics, i. 434. orders houses destroyed, i. 481. orders converts imprisoned, i. 484. inflicts disabilities on descendants, i. 498. orders death for relapse, i. 543. assumes Lombards to be heretics, ii. 194. conquers Lombardy, ii. 206. his forged Sicilian diploma, ii. 287. supports inqs. in Germany, ii. 333. subjects episcopal cities to their bish- ops, ii. 338. welcomes Elias, iii. 6. his praise of the Stedingers, iii. 185. crusades against him, iii. 189. confirms grant of Countess Matilda, iii. 190. expels the Templars, iii. 244. his belief in astrology, iii. 431. the Three Impostors, iii. 560. spreads Averrhoism, iii. 561. consequences of his death, ii. 213.