Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/709

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INDEX. Giovanni, Abp. of Pisa, prosecutes Templars iii. 307, 318. Giovanni of Ragusa, his account of Bosnia ii. 311. Giovanni di Salerno, the first inq., i. 326. Giovanni Schio da Vicenza, his career i 040 • ii. 203. made perpetual inq. of Lombardy, ii 206. reconciles Vicenza, ii. 234. Girard of Gramruont, his worldliness, i. 39. Girling, Mary Ann, her sect, iii. 102. Girls, age of responsibility, i. 603. Girona, C. of, in 1197, on Waldenses, i. 81. Gironde, Olivists burned, iii. 77. Giulitta of Florence, i. 115. Glagolitic writing allowed in Bosnia, ii. 297. Gloriosam ecclesiam, bull, iii. 75. Gloucester, Duchess of, penanced for sorcerv, iii. 467. Glutto, Fra, the Apostle, iii. 105. God the first inq., 406. Godefroi de Paris on the Templars, iii. 327. Godfrev of Bouillon ravages Abbey of S. Tron, i. 10. Godin the Amaurian burned, ii. 321. Goetic magic, iii. 389. Goffredo, legate, his laws on heresv in Milan, i. 320; ii. 200. intervenes in Bergamo, ii. 201. Gognati, Thomas, inq. of Vienna, ii. 416. Gokard, the, iii. 513. Gonsalvo de Balboa suppresses Olivi's writ- ings, iii. 47. reforms the Franciscans, iii. 58. enforces the bull Exivi, iii. 61. Gonsalvo de Cordova protects Naples from Inq., ii. 288. Goslar, test of Cathari at, i. 99. Cathari hanged in 1052, i. 110. Gost, or Catharan visitor, ii. 305. Gottlieben, Huss and John XXII. imprisoned in, ii. 479, 480. Gottschalc, his heresy, i. 217. Gourdon, usurers of, penanced, i. 358. heretics in, ii. 31. Grabon, Matthew, at Constance, ii. 409. Grace, time of, i. 371. its efficacy, ii. 16. Gradenigo, Piero, his ducal oath, ii. 252. rebuffs the Inq., ii. 253. Grado, patriarchate of, ii. 273. Gragas, laws on sorcerv in, iii. 422. Grammont, priory of, its founding, i. 33. impoverished bv Clement V., i. 17. Gran, synods of, 1450, 1480, ii. 543. Granada, Alonso de Mella put to death, iii 169. Granaries and cellars forbidden to Francis- l cans, iii. 60. heresy of, iii. 70, 72, 74, 78. Grandchildren of heretics, disabilities of, i. 321. ' Grand Jury, origin of, i. 311. Gratian on duty of persecution, i. 224. Great Schism, its influence on persecution ii. 156. mutual charges of heresy, iii. 2 quarrels over, in Germany, iii. ! Greece, Inq. in, i. 855. character of ltd mythology, iii. magic in, iii. ] Greek Church, its relations with Koine, iii 616. Greek Empire, sorcery under, iii. I Greek services prohibited in Venice, ; i. 274. Greeks, their treatment bv the I 619. Greenland, Moravian mission- in, ii. 567. Gregory I. enforces monastic poverty, i. 'J7. on sufferings of the damned, i. 240. his demonology, iii. 881. his tolerance of pagan observances, iii. 400. Gregory VII., his war on simony, i. 7. decides the case of Gerbald, 1. on masses of concubinary priests, i. 63. reproves belief in sorcery, iii. 417. accused of necromancy, iii. 419. Gregory IX. on sacraments in polluted hands, 'i. 63. protects Louis IX., i. 201. his treatment of Amain i de Montfort, i. 205. restores Provence to Ravmond VII., i. 206. reforms the Poor Catholics, i. 248. favors the Mendicants, i. 273, 274, 279. reproves the Dominicans, i. 294. removes Elias, i. 295 ; iii. 6. first appointments of inqs., i. 300. tries legatine Inq., i. 317. his laws of 1231, i. 324. sent throughout Europe, ii. 163, 200, 208, 881. appoints inqs. in Florence and Rome, i. 326, 327. founds the Inq., i. 328. on advantages of time of grace, i. 373. orders converts imprisoned, i. 484. mitigates confiscation, i. 509, 517. on expenses of Inq., i. 526. duty of Church to shed blood, i. 536. orders imprisonment for relapse, i 544. condemns Jewish books, i. 554. facilitates degradation of clerks, ii. :->. complains of neglect of University of Tolouse, ii. 5. stimulates Raymond VII., ii. 15, 20, 23. suspends Inq. in Languedoc, ii. 24. his dealings with Robert le Bugre, ii. 114, 115. founds Inq. of Aragon, ii. 163, 166. summons Frederic II. to crusade, ii. 194. summons the Lombards to suppress heresy, ii. 199.