Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/712

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696 INDEX. Hengst, the curative sorcerer, iii. 508. Hennins, iii. 208. Henrician heresy of opposing the papacy, iii. 182. Henricians, heresy of, i. 72. Henry III. (Emp.) hangs Cathari, i. 110. Henry V. (Emp.), Ii is relations with Paschal II., iii. 181. Henry VI., his laws on heresy, i. 319, 481, 50-2. assists Count Sayn, ii. 340. on crusade against heretics, ii. 341, 343. Henry VII. (Emp.) on confiscation, i. 320. Henry I. (Fiance), his sale of bishoprics, i. 8. Henrv IV. (France), his death predicted, iii. 446. Henry I. (Eng.), laws of, on sorcery, iii. 420. Henry II. (Eng.), persecutes heresv, i. 113, 121. Henry III. (Eng.), assists Raymond, i. 191. abandons Raymond, i. 196. stops Grosseteste's inquest, i. 312. Henry IV. (Eng.) persecutes Lollards, i. 352. tries to suppress sorcery, iii. 467. Henry V. (Eng.), persecutes Lollards, i. 353. Henry VI. (Eng.), his expedition to Paris, iii. 352. his letters on Joan of Arc, iii. 374. Henrv VIII., his legislation on heresy, i. 353. Henry de Agio, Inq. of Germany, ii. 386. Henry of Albano on the Church, i. 52. Henry of Cambrai and his chapter, iii. 447. Henry da Ceva, iii. 63, 81. 144. Henry de Chainay, complains of bp., i. 351. procures confirmation of privileges, i. 385 ; ii. 130. his assemblies of experts, i. 389. discovers false witness, i. 441. orders destruction of houses, i. 482. prosecutes the dead, i. 523. his sentences on Cathari, ii. 108. his activity, ii. 124. his persecution of Waldenses, ii. 151. he burns Olivists, iii. 77, 82, 653. Henry of Clairvaux assails Cathari, i. 120, 124. Henrv of Coblentz, his complaint at Basle, ii. 533. Henry, Abp. of Cologne, his quarrels with the curia, ii. 337. Henry of Fistigen, his career, i. 277. Henry of Funf kirchen, ii. 543. Henrv of Ghent on popular sovereignty, iii. 139. Henry of Hesse converts Nicholas of Basle, ii. 405. on corruption of the Church, iii. 636. Henry of Lastenbock, ii. 457, 459. Henry of Lausanne, i. 69. Henrv of Olmiitz persecutes Waldenses, ii. 400. Henry Minneke, his case, i. 315. Henry Raspe persecutes heretics, ii. 343. Henrv, Bp. of Ratisbon, suppresses heresy, iii."89. Henry of Reims persecutes Cathari, i. 112. Henry of Vehringen, i. 306 ; ii. 316. Henry von Virnenburg (Cologne), prosecutes Master Eckart, i. 361; ii. 359. persecutes Beghards, ii. 367, 373. Heresy, i. 57. popular, i. 60; iii. 550. its technical character, iii. 644. caused bv clerical corruption, i. 61, 85 ; ii. 493, 531. sexual license attributed to, i. 85, 101 ; ii. 335, 357, 408, 474; iii. 97, 127, 169. supreme guilt of, i. 211, 213, 236. uncertainty of its punishment, i. 220, 308. trials, difficulties of, i. 307. proved by slender testimony, i. 437. jurisdiction over it, i. 437, 462, 495. it entails confiscation, i. 503. created by the Church, i. 541. protection of, in Languedoc, ii. 5. its political relations in Italy, ii. 191, 223, 229; iii. 189. its use as a political factor, iii. 191. mutual accusations in Great Schism, iii. 204, 208. popular sensitiveness to, iii. 592. evils of its suppression, iii. 636. Heresy of not paying tithes, i. 26 ; iii. 185. antisacerdotal, i. 64. of the Waldenses, i. 79; ii. 150. of the Cathari, i. 93. of toleration, i. 224. of usury, i. 359. of enduring exc, i. 404; ii. 122. of Boniface V1IL, ii. 97. of the Amaurians, ii. 320. of the Luciferans, ii. 335. of the Brethren of the Free Spirit, ii. 356. of the Flagellants, ii. 384. of the Wiiikelers, ii. 400. of the Men of Intelligence, ii. 406. of the Brethren of the Cross, ii. 407. of Hans of Xiklaushausen, ii. 418. of John of Wesel, ii. 420. of the Wickliffites, ii. 440. of communion in both elements, ii. 472. of John Huss, ii. 481. of the Hussites, ii. 519. of the Bohemian Brethren, ii. 561. of the Joachites, iii. 21. of the Spiritual Franciscans, iii. 62. of the Olivists, iii. 78. of the Guglielmites, iii. 90. of the Apostolic Brethren, iii. 120. of the Spirit of Liberty, iii. 124. of the poverty of Christ, iii. 134. of disobedience, i. 229; iii. 181, 189, 192, 616, 617.