Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/715

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INDEX. 099 Innocent II. on masses of concubinary priests, i. 63. condemns Henry of Lausanne, i. 70. condemns Arnald of Brescia, i. 73. persecutes Cathari, i. 117. Innocent III. on priestly superiority, i. 4. deprecates simony, i. 7. his prosecutions of bps., i. 14. his disinterestedness, i. 18. punishes forgery of papal letters, i. 19. claims benefices for his friends, i. 25. protects Waldemar of Sleswick, i. 33. opposes Cathari in Slavonia, i. 107; ii. 291. suppresses Cathari of Viterbo, i. 116. proclaims war on heresy, i. 128. explains heresy by clerical corruption, i. 129. forbids Bible to laity, i. 131. removes exc. of Raymond VI., i. 133. his dealings with Languedoc, i. 136-83. convokes the Council of Lateran, i. 181. his legislation on heresy, i. 220, 232, 320, 431,444,502. faith not to be kept with heretics, i. 228. makes Foulques de Neuilly preach the crusade, i. 245. approves the Poor Catholics, i. 246. approves Dominican Order, i. 252. approves Franciscan Rule, i. 257. forbids use of ordeal, i. 306; ii. 317. degrades Bp. of Coire, i. 403. heresy in Rome, ii. 192. threatens Milan, ii. 194. settles troubles at Piacenza, ii. 196. condemns Joachim's Trinitarian error, iii. 13. scolds the Templars, iii. 243. denies Immaculate Conception, iii. 596. his dealings with Greek Church, iii. 617, 619. Innocent IV., his election, ii. 26. his use of pluralities, i. 25, 26. on immunity of crusaders, i. 44, 148. restricts the Poor Catholics, i. 248. favors the Mendicants, i. 273, 282. his bull against the Mendicants, i. 283. prayed to death by Dominicans, i. 284. forces the adoption of persecuting laws, i. 322. subjects Mendicants to Inq., i. 362. his bull ad extirpanda, i. 337. his legislation on Inq., i. 801, 333, 335, 344, 370, 881, 382, 421, 438, 452, 467, 471, 472, 473, 489, 495, 496, 505, 509, 510, 546 ; ii. 3, 40, 45, 46, 94, 119, 120, 166, 167,168,221,283. on case of Manfredo di Sesto, i. 461. restricts use of interdict, ii. 3. refuses to relieve Dominicans of Inq., ii. 39. removes Raymond VII.'s exc, ii. 41. his liberality to Raymond, ii. 47. Innocent IV. appoints GioTannl E petual inq., ii. 20& orderi persecution in Florence, ii. Hi, utilizes death of Frederic II., ii, 218, canonizes Peter Martyr, ii. 216. alienates Milan, ii. 219. orders Gatta destroyed, ii. 9 attacks Ezzelin da Romano, ii. . urges inqs. to activity, ii. -J seeks to introduce Inq. in Venice, ii, transfers Bosnia to Kaloosa, ii. . forbids crusades againsl Bosnia, ii. orders persecution in Bohemia, ii. 4'J7. relaxes Franciscan rule of poverty, iii. H orders crusade against Frederic II iii 189. his political power, iii. 190. dealings with Greek Church, iii. 617, 618, 619. Innocent V. first Dominican pope, i. 256. Innocent VI., his trouble with Venice, ii. 273. demands revision of Florentine statut.-- ii. 280. orders crusade against Bosnia, ii. 303, 304. introduces Inq. in Germany, ii. 385. represses Flagellants, ii. 393. authorizes pursuit of Jews, i. 396. demands tithes-in Germany, ii. 433. persecutes Fraticelli of Crimea, iii. 167. burns Fraticelli in Avignon, iii. 168. persecutes Gentile of Spoleto, iii. 171. summons Bernabo Visconti, iii. 202. reduces the Maffredi, iii. 203. dealings with Greek Church, iii. 617. Innocent VIII. exempts Franciscans from Inq., i. 363; iii. 178. on refusal to burn heretics, i. 539; iii. 547. condemns Jean Laillier, ii. 143. orders crusade against Waldenses, ii. 159, 266. approves of the Recollects, iii. 180. asserts existence of Incubi, iii. 384. stimulates witchcraft, iii. 540, 647. threatens Giov. Pico, iii. 573. his dealings with Greek Church, iii. 621. he justifies immorality, iii. 644. Innocent X. unites Beguines with Tertiaries, ii. 413. Innsbruck, witches of, iii. 541. In pace, i. 487. Inquests, general use of, i. 811. of bishops, i. 312. itinerant, i. 370. of Bernard de Caux, ii. 45. Inqnisitio, i. 310. Inquisition, its origin, i. 305. episcopal, i. 356. papal, tentative commencement, i organized, i. 330. its relations with episcopate, i. 331. becomes permanent, i. 335. 326.