Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/718

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702 INDEX. Jean du Puy prosecutes clerks of Limoges, ii. 140. Jean de la Rochetaillade, iii. 86. Jean Ricoles, case of. ii. 83. Jean Roger, case o f , iii. 84. Jean de S, Michel, ii. 18. Jean de S. Pierre, inq., i. 545 ; ii. 45. Jean Teisseire, case of, i. 98 ; ii. 9. Jean de Tourne, exhumation of, iii. 295. Jean de Varennes, his heresy, i. 64. Jean de Yienne, Ids inquisitorial powers, i. 317. orders itinerant inquests, i. 370. sent to Montpellier, ii. 23. Jean Vidal, case of, i. 475. Jean Yigoureux, crueltv of, ii. 58. Jean la Vitte, iii. 519, 520, 523. Jeanne Daubenton burned, ii. 126. Jeanne de Toulouse, i. 199, 2u2, 204; ii. 56. Jeanne de la Tour, case of, i. 487. Jerome, St., on persecution, i. 214. on ascetic insanity, i. 239. Jerome of Prague, his career, ii. 495. burns papal bulls, ii. 450. persuades Huss to go to Constance, ii. 456. safe-conduct offered him, 463. his trial at Constance, ii. 497. his execution, ii. 505. Jerusalem, kingdom of, Inq. in, i. 356. Assises de, sorcery not referred to, iii. 431. Jesi, Fraticelli persecuted, iii. 176. Jesol, a refuge for heretics, ii. 273. Jesuats, Order of, ii. 274; iii. 171. Jesuits, their mission work, ii. 567. support Lully, iii. 588. favor Immaculate Conception, iii. 610. Jesus Christ, Order of, in Portugal, iii. 317. Jewish astrologers burned in Spain, iii. 429. assessor of inq., ii. 139. books, condemnation of, i. 554. converts, ii. 63, 178, 273. Jews, their condition in southern France, i. 67. their admission to office a crime, i. 144. not compelled to baptism, i. 242. apostate, persecution of, i. 396; ii. 122, 287. extortions of Louis IX., i. 515. to pay expenses of Inq., i. 532. their relations with Inq., ii. 63, 96; iii. 449. protected by Hugues Aubriot, ii. 128. their persecution in Naples, ii. 284. persecution in Sicily, ii. 285, 286. banished from Sicily, ii. 288. their plunder by Philippe le Bel, iii. 255. persecution in France in 1321, ii. 380. persecution in the Black Death, ii. 379. persecuted by Flagellants, ii. 382. Jews, Reuchlin protects them, ii. 424. burned by Capi^trano in Bieslau, ii. 549. forced conversion of, in Spain, ii. 187. magic among them, iii. 387. their incantations cause the Black Death, iii. 459. Joachim of Flora, i. 102; ii. 197; iii. 10. his prophecies, i. 285; iii. 11. his error as to the Trinity, iii. 13. his three eras, iii. 15. Joachites in Provence, iii. 17, 25. Joachitism of Arnaldo de Vilanova, iii. 53. of Oiivis:s, iii. 44, 48, 65, 79. of Guglielmites, iii. 91. of Apostolic Brethren, iii. 108, 109. of Fraticelli, iii. 163. of the Lullists, iii. 583. Joan of Arc, iii. 338. her visions and voices, iii. 340. popular belief in her, iii. 347. learned discussions over her, iii. 352. captured at Compiegne, iii. 356. her trial, iii. 361. articles proved against her, iii. 368. she abjures and is reconciled, iii. 370. her relapse and despair, iii. 371. her execution, iii. 373. her imitators, iii. 376. her rehabilitation, iii. 378. Joanna I. (Naples) supports the Inq. ii. 284. Cecco's prediction, iii. 442. Joanna II. (Naples) persecutes the Jews, ii. 286. Joao III. of Portugal, ii. 190. Johannistae, iii. 164. John IX. on condemnation of the dead, i. 231. John XXL, his hostility to the Mendicants, i. 289. his fate, i. 290. his leniency to Sermione, ii. 235. favors John of Parma, iii. 25. condemns Averrhoistic errors, iii. 562. John XXII., his election, ii. 99. his character, i. 557 ; iii. 66. his sale of indulgences, i. 44, 45. limits inquisitorial jurisdiction, i. 347. case of Master Eckart, i. 361 ; ii. 359. orders transfer of Pierre Trencavel, i. 367; iii. 652. on abuses of familiars, i. 383. orders Talmud burned, i. 556. promotes Bernard de Castanet, ii. 78. publishes the Clementines, ii. 96. favors the Inq., ii. 102, 574. orders Waldenses of Turin suppressed, ii. 259. his efforts in Bosnia, ii. 299. protects the Beguines, ii. 372. persecutes Yenturino da Bergamo, ii. 381. imprisons Bp. of Prague, ii. 429. sends inqs. to Bohemia and Poland, ii. 430.