Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/722

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706 INDEX. Leo X. condemns philosophical errors, iii. 574. establishes censorship of press, iii. 614. Leo, friar, breaks the coffer at Assisi, iii. 4. Leon, Cathari in, ii. 181. Leonardo de Tibertis obtains Templar prop- erty, iii. 329. Leonhard of Formbach, iii. 640. Leonor de Liminanna, case of, ii. 179. Lepers, Franciscan, charity for, i. 260. Waldensian school for, ii. 347. persecuted in 1321, ii. 380. compassionated by Olivists, iii. 82. Lerida, ignorance of persecution in, ii. 168. C. of, 1237, persecutes heretics, ii. 165. Letser, John, his visions of the Virgin, iii. 605. Letters, papal, abuses of, i. 18. forgery of, i. 19. 'Leuchardis, burned at Treves in 1231, ii. 331. Leutard, heresy of, i. 108. LeuviglM, persecution under, i. 216. Le Yassemr, Xicaise, iii. 639. Levone, witches of, iii. 503, 516. Lewin of Wurzburg, his heresy, iii. 89, Lhotkn, assembly of, in 1467, ii. 564. Liber Conformitatum,. 262; iii. 11. Liber dc Tribus Impostoribus, iii. 560. Liberato da Macerata, iii. 33, 35, 38, 39, 40. Liberty, Brethren of the Spirit of, iii. 124. License to bear arms sold, i. 383. to rebuild heretic houses, i. 483. Licinius, his overthrow, iii. 394. Liege, Cathari of, L 109, 111. tolerant spirit in, i. 219. Beguines of, ii. 350. Dancing Mania, ii. 393. C. of, 1287, restricts the Beguines, ii. 354. Ligatures — see Philtres, Lilith, iii. 383. Lille, confiscation in, i. 521. heretics burned at, ii. 115, 139, 142, 158. Lille (Venaissin).C. of, 1251, demands records of Inq., i. 350. gives confiscations to bps., i. 514. Limoges, clerks of, prosecuted, ii. 140. C. of, 1031, on preaching, i. 23. Limoux, heretics of, released, i. 452. citizens of, hanged, ii. 89. Limoux Noir, heresy of, ii. 109. Lipan, battle of, ii. 535. Lisbon, church claims on the dying, i. 30. heresies of Thomas Scotus, ii. 188. Lisiard of Soissons persecutes Cathari, i. 110. Lisieux, clergy of, imprison Foulques de Neuilly", i. 244. C. of, 1448, on sorcerers, iii. 515. Litanies, Dominican, their power, i. 284. of Olivist saints, iii. 80. Liticz, seat of Bohemian Brethren, ii. 563. Litigation, stimulation of, i. 21. Litis contestation i. 403. in trial of Gilles de Rais, iii. 480. Liutgarda, Abbess, iii. 419. Liutprand, his laws on sorcery, iii. 411. Llobet, Juan, his zeal for Lully, iii. 581. Lodeve, Olivists burned, iii. 77. Lodi, Bp. of, on duty of persecution, i. 226. his sermon on Huss, ii. 490. sermon on Jerome of Prague, ii. 504. Loki, iii. 401. Lollardry, suppression of, i. 352. Lollards, ii. 350. in Hainault and Brabant, ii. 368. they join the Flagellants, ii. 385. persecution in 1395, ii. 400. forbidden to beg, ii. 413. Lombard Law, sorcery in, iii. 411. Lombard League, its disruption, ii. 203. Lombard}', Cathari in, i. 109 ; ii. 193. as a refuge for heretics, ii. 49, 219, 229, 240. episcopal Inq. in, L 359. efforts to establish Inq., ii. 198, 206. threatened by Gregory IX., ii. 199. first inq. in, ii. 201. pacified by Giovanni Schio, ii. 203. murder of Peter Martyr, ii. 214. organization of Inq., ii. 221, 222, 233. decadence of Inq., ii. 269. ' Ghibellines condemned for heresv, iii. 201. proceedings against Templars, iii. 307. prevalence of witchcraft, iii. 546. errors in 16th cent., iii. 574. Lombers, Colloquy of, i. 118. London, C. of, 1310, on the Templars, iii. 299. C. of, 1328, on Immaculate Conception, iii. 598. Longino Cattaneo, Dolcino's lieutenant, iii. 112, 119. Lope de Barrientos forbids imprecatory masses, iii. 447. burns Yillena's books, iii. 490. Loquis, Martin, ii. 518, 519. Lorenzo da Fermo, his asceticism, iii. 179. Lorenzo de' Medici calls Savonarola to Flor- ence, iii. 211. Lorica of St. Patrick, iii, 400. Lorraine, inqs., appointed, i. 302; ii. 120. Waldenses in, ii. 147, 149, downfall of Templars, iii. 301. Lot, use of, among the Northmen, iii. 402. by Bohemian Brethren, ii. 564. Lotz, Count, accused of heresy, ii. 339. Loudon, Cathari burned in, i, 114. Louis Til. (France) asks for reform of Church, i. 13. urges persecution, i. 112. called upon to suppress heresy, i. 120. Louis Yin. (France), his Albisensian cru- sades, i. 174, 180, 187, 190, 191, 196- 200. his laws on heresy, i. 319, 503. Louis IX. (France) restricts immunity of cru- saders, i. 44, 148.