Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/728

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712 INDEX. Naturalists, i. 99. Nature- worship in Lausanne, ii. 259. among Slavs, ii. 301. Navarre, mortuary offerings in, i. 30. inqs. appointed, i. 302. localization of laws, i. 320. confiscation in, i. 604. Inq. in, ii. 166. prosecution of Templars, iii. 316. Necromancy among the Northmen, iii. 402. in the 13th cent., iii. 424. its connection with astrology, iii. 444. necessary to alchemy, iii. 473. Negative apostoli, i. 451. Nelipic, Count, attacks Bosnian Cathari, ii. 302. Neo-Platonists, their magic, iii. 389. their Christianity, iii. 572. Nero suppresses magic, iii. 392. Nestorian books, burning of, i. 534. Neuburg, assembly of, in 1455, ii. 552. Nevers, Dean of, accused of heresy, i. 130. New Learning, paganism of the, iii. 571. New Testament, Catharan versions of, i. 102. Valla's corrections of, iii. 567. Newenhoffen, Waldensian school for lepers, ii. 347. Nevseeser, John, case of, iii. 436. Nicetas, Catharan bp., i. 119. Niccolo da Cremona secures fines, i. 472. Niccolo di Girgenti, ii. 284. Niccolo of Trau, inq. of Bosnia, ii. 310. Niccolo of Santa Maria, ii. 279. Niccolo da Vercelli, c^se of, i. 396. Nicholas II., on concubinary priests, i. 62. represses heresy in Anagni, ii. 239. Nicholas III., as inq.-general, i. 397. on apostate Jews, ii. 63. avenges Corrado Pagano, ii. 237. offers cardinalate to John of Parma, iii. 25. issues the bull Exiit, iii. 30. confirms Bacon's condemnation, iii. 554. Nicholas IV. increases indulgence for cru- saders, i. 42. intervenes in quarrels of Mendicants, i. 303. gives control over fines to bps., i. 336. on tenure of inqs., i. 344. orders Inq. in Palestine, i. 356. orders transfers of prisoners, i. 366. on refusal to burn heretics, i. 539. organizes Inq. in Burgundy, ii. 120. enforces laws of Frederic II. in Prov- ence, ii. 148. vindicates the Stigmata, ii. 216. stimulates inqs., ii. 243. orders Inq. in Venice, ii. 251, 252. orders crusade against Bosnia, ii. 298. sends John of Parma to Greece, iii. 25. condemns a tract of Olivi, iii. 43. represses Spirituals, iii. 44. condemns the Apostolic Brethren, iii. 107. Nicholas IV. tries to unite the Military Orders, iii. 246. enlarges jurisdiction over sorcery, iii. 512. Nicholas V. favors the Mendicants, i. 293. reorganizes French Inq., ii. 140. separates Catalonia from Aragon, ii. 179. orders prosecution of Alonzo de Al- marzo, ii. 186. his leniency to Waldenses, ii. 265. silences Amadeo de' Landi, ii. 272. persecutes Jews, ii. 287. his intervention in Bosnia, ii. 311. makes Beguines Tertiaries, ii. 413. sends legate to Bohemia, ii. 540. approves acts of C. of Basle, ii. 541. rejects the Compactata, ii. 545. sends Capistrano to Bohemia, ii. 546. burns Fraticelli, iii. 178. gives dispensation to employ sorcery, iii. 507. patronizes Lorenzo Valla, iii. 567. his dealings with Greek Church, iii. 621. his death, ii. 552. Nicholas V., antipope, iii. 146. Nicholas d' Abbeville, his arbitrary proceed- ings, i. 445; ii. 62, 67-73. his removal, ii. 81. tomb erected to him, ii. 103. Nicholas Baillv investigates Joan of Arc, iii. 361. Nicholas of Basle, ii. 404. Nicholas of Bethlehem, case of, ii. 515. Nicholas of Buldesdorf, case of, iii. 88. Nicholas of Calabria, his heresy, ii. 175. Nicholas de Clemangis on corruption of Church, iii. 630. Nicholas de Corbie, papal legate, i. 200. Nicholas of Cusa, his quarrel with Sigis- mund of Austria, ii. 417. rebuked by Capistrano, ii. 473. demands submission of Bohemia, ii. 550. opposes Capistrano's canonization, ii. 555. enforces Observantine reform, iii. 173. Nicholas de Houppeland, iii. 360. Nicholas, John, inq. in Denmark, i. 355. Nicholas of Nazareth, inq. at Prague, ii. 456. Nicholas l'Oyseleur, iii. 361. 366, 372. Nicholas the painter burned in 1204, i. 131. Nicholas de Peronne, inq. of Cambrai, i. 479; ii. 133. Nicholas of Pilgram, ii. 522, 524. Nicholas, Provincial of France, iii. 34. Nicholas de Rupella on Jewish books, i. 554. Nicholas of Silesia, ii. 416. Nicholas of Strassburg, i. 361. Nicholas of Vilemonic, ii. 447. Nicolinistae, ii. 416. Nicosia, C. of, 1350, on Greek Church, iii. 620.