Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/730

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7H INDEX. Olivi, his books forbidden by the Inq., iii. 73. on papal dispensing power, iii. 79. his exaggerated cult, iii. 82. prescribes poverty for bps., iii. 132. on ownership of property, iii. 133. used in the Sachsenhaiiser Protest, iii. 138. venerated by the Fraticelli, iii. 164. Olivists, their Joachitism, iii. 44. their revolutionary doctrines, iii. 65. forced to rebellion, iii. 70. deny papal authority, iii. 73, 79. popular sympathy for them, iii. 75. numbers burned, iii. 77. their saints and martyrs, iii. 80. their love and charity, iii. 82. their mode of life, iii. 83. their extinction, iii. 84. Oiler, Geron., predicts death of Henry IV., iii. 446. Olmutz, Inq. in 1335, ii. 431. John of Prague burned in 1415, ii. 495. Ombruida, murder of inqs. at, ii. 215. Oneiroscopy, iii. 446. Opizo, Bp. of Parma, and Segarelli, iii. 106, 107. Oppert, his explanation of Labarum, iii. 395. Opstallesboom, laws of, sorcery not alluded to, iii. 433. Ordeal used to detect heresv, i. 110, 305; ii. 317. of fire in Savonarola's case, iii. 226. Ordelaffi, crusade against the, iii. 204. Ordelaffi, Basilio, case of, iii. 238. Ordenamiento de Alcaic, ii. 184. Ordibarii — see Ortlibenses. Ordinaries, episcopal, i. 22, 309. Organization of Inq., i. 369. its effectiveness, i. 394. Origen, his demonologv, iii. 381. Origin of Evil, iii. 380! of witchcraft, iii. 492. Orleans, selection of bp. for, i. 9. Cathari of, i. 108 ; ii. 334. Pastoureaux in. i. 270. siege of, iii. 339, 345. Orozco, Gerouymo, i. 248. Orphans, Hussite, ii. 525. Orsini, Caietano, inq.-general, i. 397. Orsini, Napoleone, protector of Spirituals, iii. 35, 40, 56. Ortlibenses, their origin, ii. 319. in Passau, ii. 348. in Suabia, ii. 354. their developed doctrine, ii. 35."). their mysticism, ii. 358, 360, 365. condemned bv Boniface VIII., ii. 367. by C. of Vienne, ii. 369. their missionary zeal, ii. 368. persecution throughout Germanv, ii 373-6. join the Flagellants, ii. 385. Ortlibenses, their prevalence in Langres, ii. 578. censorship of their books, iii. 612. (See also Brethren of the Free Spirit.) Ortlieb of Strassburg, ii. 322. Orton, the demon, iii. 383. Orvieto, Catharism in, i. 115; ii. 238. Osma, Diego of, urges mission work, i. 141. Osthanes, iii. 389. Ostrogoths, their laws on sorcery, iii. 399. Otbert, inq., his salary, i. 529. Otho IV. (Emp.) appealed to bv Raymond VI., i. 149. his laws on heresy, i. 220, 319, 481, 502. persecutes heretics in Ferrara, ii. 192. his letter on the Waldenses, ii. 195. Otto of Constance, his trouble with Huss, ii. 459. Otto of Magdeburg, his lenity, ii. 374. Outlawry for heretics, i. 319, 321. Oxen eaten and resuscitated, iii. 503. Oxford, Cathari of, i. 105, 113. spurious letters of University of, ii. 443. C. of, 1222, burns a Jew, i. 222, 352. Oxista, Michael, burns Bogomili, i. 216. Ozasco, disregard of Inq. in, ii. 262. PACE DI PESAXXOLA, ii. 21 1. Pace da Vedano, inq., iii. 199. 202. Padua, inquisitorial extortion in, i. 477. suppression of heresy urged, ii. 210. sack of by crusaders, ii. 227. admiration for Peter of Abano, iii. 441. Averrhoism taught, iii. 577. Pagan de Becede, i. 202; ii. 15. Pagan influences in Christianity, iii. 400. Paganism revived in the Renaissance, iii. 570. Pagano, Corrado, his martyrdom, ii. 237. Pagano di Pietra Santa, iii. 37, 99. Pain, use of, to procure conversions, i. 417. Palecz, Stephen, on heresy, i. 236; iii. 551. his relations with Hu.»s, ii. 445. 446, 449. banished from Prague, ii. 452. assails Huss at Constance, ii. 461, 472, 476. confesses Huss, ii. 487. accuses Jerome, ii. 499. on simony, iii. 627. Palencia, heretics in, ii. 182. Palestine, Inq. in, i. 356. Palestrina, Fraticelli expelled, iii. 176. Pallor a sign of heresy, i. 110, 214, 306. Palma, Franciscan church in, iii. 173. Lolly's worship there, iii. 581. Palmiere, Matteo, iii. 573. Pamiers, assembly of experts in 1329. i. 390. Bp. of, tried for treason, ii. 71, 77. Jews of, subjected to Inq., ii. 96. Pamplona, quarrel over corpses in, i. 280. Inq. introduced in, ii. 166. Pandulfo of Castro Siriani, ii. 238.