Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/740

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"2± INDEX. Ruffach, nun accused of sorcery, ill. 434. Ruggieri Calcagni, his labors in Florence, L 606, 344; ii. 210. Rulers, duty of, to suppress heresv, i. 320, 321,' 461, 536. rendered subservient to Iuq., i. 337, 340. Runcarii, i. 88. Runes, iii. 402, 404. Ruptarii, i. 125. Rustand, his demand for papal subsidy, i. 17. preaches crusade against Naples, iii. 193. Ruteboeuf on villeins, i. 269. SABBAT, Witches', iii. 408. origin of belief in, iii. 493. controversy over, iii. 497. details of, iii. 500. eating of men and beasts at, iii. 503. attendance a mortal crime, iii. 516. preparation for, iii. 526. growth of belief in, iii. 534. is an illusion, iii. 542. enormous attendance at, iii. 547. Sacerdotalism of mediaeval religion, i. 47. Sachsenhaiiser Protest, iii. 137. Sachsenspie.u r el, peualtv for heresv in, i. 221 ; ii. 349. destruction of houses in, i. 483. sorcery in, iii. 432. Sacquespee, Antoine, case of, iii. 524, 527. Sacraments, sale of, i. 27 ; iii. 630. infernal, of Cathari, i. 101. Waldensian, i. 83 ; ii. 146. replaced by flagellation, ii. 407. superseded in Joachitism, iii. 15, 21. rejected by Olivists. iii. 80, 82. void in heretic hands, iii. 159. vitiation of, in sinful hands, i. 62, 64, 75. taught bv Waldenses, i. 79, 80; ii. 150, 160. by Cathari, i. 93. by Jean Tinier, ii. 137. by Bp. of Meaux, ii. 143. by Bohemian Brethren, ii. 563. by Fraticelli, iii. 162, 163. not admitted by Wickliff, ii. 441. Huss denies it, ii. 476. Sacrifices, divinatory, iii. 402. Sacrilege of Templar initiation, iii. 272. Sacrobosco, his Sphgera, iii. 442. Saddarah, the, i. 92. Safe-conduct, Huss's. ii. 457. 462. 466. Safe-conducts valueless to heretics, ii. 467. Saga, iii. 391. Saint Amour. William of, i. 2S3. his De Piricalia. i. 285. his mission to Rome, i. 286. on the Everlasting Gospel, iii. 22, 23, 25. he is justified, iii. 131. Saint Gall, Abbey of, i. 10. Saint Felix de Caraman, Catbaran council of, i. 119. Saint Grilles, Pierre de Bruvs burned at, i. 68. Raymond's penance at, i. 150. Saint Malo, Cathari in, i. 112. Saint Tron, Abbey of, i. 10, 35, 37. Saint William of the Desert, Order of, iii. 107. Saintes, Bp. of, tortures Templars, iii. 287. Saints, their suffrages discarded bv Walden- Bes, i. 83 ; ii. 150, 160. by Wickliffites, ii. 440. heretic, ii. 182, 241—2. new, exploitation of, iii. 93. canonization of, reserved to Rome, iii. 422. Saints, sect of, in Calabria, iii. 127. Salamanca, C. of, acquits the Templars, iii. 316. Salary of inq., i. 525, 529, 532. Sale of benefices, i. 24. of indulgences, i. 43, 44; iii. 621. of licenses to bear arms, i. 383. Sales by heretics invalid, i. 520. Salic Law, sorcery in, iii. 406, 408, 409. Salimbene, his Joachitism, iii. 19, 24. on exploiting new saints, iii. 93. Salvation, exclusive, influence of belief in, l 237. Salveetro Maruffi, iii. 214, 216, 228. Salvo di Cassetta, ii. 288. Saluces, persecution of Waldenses in, ii. ^ 267. Salzburg, Luciferanism in, 1340, ii. 376. C. of, 1291, on Military Orders, iii. 246. C. of, 1386, against the Mendicants, i. 291. C. of, 1418, recognizes the Inq., ii. 411. Samaritan belief in magic, iii. 387. San Marco, siege of, iii. 227. San Martino, Waldensian valley of, ii. 195. Sancha of Xaples, Ferrara given to her, iii. 196. Sanche Mercadier, ii. 106. Sanche Morlana, ii. 59. Sancho II. (Majorca), his dealings with Tem- plars, iii. 315, 332. Sancta HotJia?ia, bull, iii. 75. 84. Sandalj Hranic of Herzegovina, ii. 304, 307. Sangerhausen, Flagellants burned in, ii. 407, 408. Santa Sabina, Cardinal of, his claim on Flor- ence, ii. 277. Sarabaitae, i. 37. Saracens not compelled to baptism, i. 242. cultivation of sorcery by. iii. 429. Sardinia, early heresy in, i. 108. secular inquests in, i. 311. Inq. introduced, ii. 244. Templars of, prosecuted, iii. 285. Sarrasin, Jean, his heresy, i. 275.