Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/743

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INDEX. 727 Sorcery, secular legislation on, iii. 427. subject to secular and eccles. courts, iii 429. heresy in, iii. 435, 460. interrogatories of Inq. on, iii. 448. treated as heresy by Inq., iii. 449. increase in 14th cent., iii. 454. known as Vauderie, ii. 158. its definition by University of Paris, iii 464. of Franciscans in Venice, ii. 274 ; iii. 547. curative, iii. 507. to overcome sorcery, iii. 510. Sordello, his adventure with Ezzelin, ii. 225. Sortes Sanctorum, use of, i. 159, 257. Sotomavor, Conde de, founds Recollects, iii. 180. Soulechat, Denis, case of, iii. 168. Southcote, Joanna, iii. 102. Sovereign, duty of, to persecute, i. 224, 503, 536. Spain, heresy of Vilgardus in, i. 108. persecution of Arians in, i. 216. St. Dominic, i. 248. confiscation, i. 513. Career of Inq. in, ii. 182. Apostolic Brethren, iii. 132. Fraticelli, iii. 168. proceedings against Templars, iii. 310. Templar property, iii. 332. Gothic laws on sorcery, iii. 399. legislation on sorcery, iii. 429. denial of immortality, iii. 560, 564. controversy over Lully, iii. 588. devotion for the Virgin, iii. 610. Spalatro, Cathari in, ii. 291, 301. Speier, Peter Turman burned, ii. 414. Sperimento del Fuoco, iii. 224. Speronistae, i. 115. Spies, use of, in prisons, i. 417. Spina, Bartolomeo de, on the Sabbat, ii. 499. Spini, Doffo, chief of Compagnacci, iii. 215, 226, 228. Spirit of Liberty, Brethren of the, iii. 124. Spirit world, the, iii. 380. Spiritual courts, jurisdiction of, i. 2, 309. their character, i. 21 ; iii. 630, 632. jurisdiction for collection of debt, ii. 278. over witchcraft denied in France, iii. 544. Spiritual Franciscans, iii. 1. their origin, iii. 7. they compose the pseudo - Joachitic prophesies, iii. 12. adopt Joachitism, iii. 18. their revolt against the papacv, iii. 37. the Italian branch, iii. 38, 39, "62, 144. the French branch, iii. 42. their Joachitism, iii. 48. their sufferings, iii. 51. their persecution by the Conventuals, iii. 57. discussion before Clement V., iii. 58. Spirituals obtain three convent* in I. doc, iii their antipopea, iii. •)•'<, 65, 80. pereeeoted by John XXII , L 881 iii 72. their adherenos to their reatmeoti iii. 79. their subdivisions, iii. HI. in Ara^on, iii. G relations with Guglielmitea, iii connection with Apostolic Brethren, iii. 108. Spoleto, heresy of Spirit of Liberty, iii. ] Spontaneous confession, inducements for i 371. formula of, i. 428; iii. 266, 484. Sprenger, Jacob, at trial of John of V. --1, ii. 421. his labors, iii. 540. his Malleus Malejicarum, iii. 64 on co-operation of bps. and inqs., i. on death-penalty, i. 536; iii. 515. on watchfulness of demons, iii. on incubi and succubi, iii. I condemns astrology, iii. 445. on denial of witchcraft, iii. explanation of the Sabbat, iii. 498? Squin de Florian, story of, iii. 266. Sreim, Giacomo della Marca's work in, ii. 543. Staedelin teaches witchcraft, iii. • Stake, the, i. 534. Stanislas of Znaim, ii. 445, 446,.4i>2. Starac, Catharan elder, ii. 305. Starvation, use of, i. 42<». not used in IIuss's case, ii. 478. State, its duty to persecute, i. 21."), 224, 503, 516. subjected to Inq., i. 322, 337. officials subjected to Inq., i. 385 ; ii. 51, 67, 575, 578. States of the Church, Templars in, iii. 305. Statutes of the Templars, iii. 266. Stedingers, case of the, iii. 182. Stefano Confaloniero, sentence of, i. 460; ii. 214. Steinecker, Henry, burned at Berne, iii. 607. Stephen VII. (Pope) condemns Pope Formo- sa, i. 231. Stephen, St., of Thiern, his miracles, i. 38. Stephen, the Apostolic Brother, iii. 1 < > T . Stephen, Dabisa, King of Bosnia, ii. Stephen Dragutin persecutes Cathari, ii. 298. Stephen Dusan the Great of Sci via, ii. Stephen Kostromanic, Ban of Bosnia, ii. 299, 301, 302. Stephen Ostoja, King of Bosnia, ii. 804, 306. Stephen Thomas Ostojic, ii. 809. Stephen Thomascvic, ii. 306, 812, 818, 314. Stephen of Tournay, i. 19, 126. Stephen Tvrtko, his reign, ii. Stephen Tvrtko II., ii. 306, 307. I Stephen, Waldensian bp., ii. 416, Stephen Vnk appeals to Urban V., ii. 304.