Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/751

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iNi)i:x. Witch of En. lor, the, iii. 388. Witch of Eye, the, iii. 467. Witch- burning, Church responsible for, iii. 532, 547. Witchcraft, iii. 492. absence of, in 13th cent., iii. 448. distinctive origin of, iii. 41)7, 499, 584 disbelief in, punishable, iii. 466, 506. papal bulls against, iii. 502, 506, 512, 537, 540, 546, 547. only curable by witchcraft, Hi. 507. causes of its spread, iii. 508, D incentives to, iii. 6 under secular jurisdiction, iii. 512, 54 I 547. its extension in 16th cent., iii. 549. Witches, their allegiance to Satan, iii. 386. proscribed in Mosaic Law, iii. 896. their powers, iii. 407, 502. necessary to Satan, iii. 501. lose power when arrested, iii. 509. their power over judges, iii. 535. are heretics, iii. 542. of Brescia, contest over, i. 539; iii. 547,661. Witch-trials, process of, iii. 514. Witnesses, danger incurred by, i. 317, 438. of proceedings, i. 376. torture of, i. 425, 436, 560. character of, i. 434. age of, i. 435. inimical, rejected, i. 436. their names kept secret, i. 437 ; ii. 477 ; iii. 517. sworn in presence of accused, i. 439. retraction of evidence, i. 439, 441. enmity of, the only defence, i. 446, 448 ; iii. 517. disabling of, in Huss's case, ii. 477. secrecy imposed on, ii. 93. for defence, rarity of, i. 447. collected against the Templars, iii. 257. Witnesses, svnodal, origin of, i. 312, 315, 317,350; ii. 117. in prosecution of Gilles de Rais, iii. 479. Wives, betrayal of, by husbands, i. 373. bound to denounce husbands, i. 432. evidence of, i. 436. dowers not confiscated, i. 509. Wok of Waldstein burns papal bulls, ii. 450. Wolsey, Cardinal, his efforts at reform, ii. 4. Women specially are sorcerers, iii. 508. Worcester, C. of, in 1240, on estates, i. 30. Worms, Diet of, 1231, on confiscation, i. 607 ; ii. 331. John Drandorf burned, ii. 414. Writ de hceretico comburendo, i. 221. Wiirzburg, Ortlibenses in 1342, ii. 376. Hussitisin suppressed in, ii. 414 witches burned in, iii. 549. Wnrsburg, <>f, 1 1 , in. 106. C.0i i 1 • I ; rl. YATI DII.WA Iii fbafies, Rodi . , Mattel iii. 816. Yoke, Woodell, | Yolarule of | W.iM. usee, ii. Yoik, heretics found In, i. 114 the Templars In, iii. 299, 801. Youth in admission to Order of Templara, iii. 2 YpreS, lack of chinches in, i "i Barn, Arnaud, case of, i. : Y et Pavina, case of, iii. D 1 ~i. Yvo of Xaibonne, his account of Cathari, ii. 193, 296. ZABARELLA, Card., his participation against BUSS, ii. 481. offers modified abjuration to Hum, ii. 489. labors for Jerome of Prague, ii. 501. Zaccaria, Ifatteo, his testiraonj as to Tem- plars, iii. 277. Zachary, Pope, instructions as to h suppresses angel-worship, iii. 412, Zamberg, Michael of, founder of Bohemian Brethren, ii. 568, 58 I. Zanghino Ogolini, hifl treatise on hen 229; ii. 242. on corporate responsibility, i. 334. on ignorance ot inqs., i. ::7t">. on restrictions as to familiars, i. 384. on arbitrary procedure, i. 406. on confiscations, i. 506, 509. on worship of new saints, iii. 92. on astrology, iii. 439. on jurisdiction over sorcery, iii. 449. Zanino del I'oggio carries Wakiei pies, ii. 2 17. Zanino da Solcia, case of, ii. 271 ; iii. 568. Zaptati, or Waldense-, i. 77. Zara, Catharism in, ii. - 801. Zatce, Peter of, a Chiiiast, ii. 519. Zbinoo of Prague, ii. 448, 444, 446, 447. Zeal of Waldene of Cathari, i. 10 1. Zeger, Observantine general, ii. 559. Zegna, heresy in, ii. 801. Zeno (Emp.) refuses toleration, i. 216. Zepperenses, ii. 413. Zimiskes, John, transplants the Paulieians, i. 90, 107. Zion, Taborite stronghold taken, ii. 539. Ziska,John, heads a tumult in Prague, ii. 513. destroys churches, ii. 514.