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- Venetian Ambassador, letter of, 95
- on capture of Garnet, 153
- on trial of Garnet, 163 n.
- on Baynham, 176 n.
- Verney, Sir Richard, service of, 91 n.
- Waad, Sir William, on death of Treshem, 103
- on Guy Faukes, 106
- on Winter's confession, 215
- his list of the conspirators, 237
- his history, 255 sq.
- his knowledge of various plots, 257
- his letter to Salisbury, 257 sq.
- Walshe, Sir Richard, action of, 91
- Warburton, Sir Peter, 115
- Warde, Thomas, reads the warning letter, 70
- conduct of, 71
- an accessory, 210 n.
- his connection with the Plot, 269 sq.
- Watson, William, a leader in the 'Bye Plot,' 24
- What was the Gunpowder Plot? 21 n., 135
- White Webbs, rebel meeting at, 63
- Whyneard, Mr., 59
- William III., landing of, 200 n., 286
- Winter, John, his connection with the Plot, 243
- Winter, Robert, his connection with the Plot, 48
- Winter, Robert, why chosen, 57
- his desertion, 85
- dream of, 92, 118
- a fugitive, 95
- adventures of, 97 sq.
- capture of, 99
- answer of, 118
- account of his arrest, 262
- Winter, Thomas, a rebel, 17
- social position of, 18
- family of, 33
- religion and politics of, 34
- mission of, 34
- various ways of spelling the name, 36, 230
- confession of, 36
- why chosen, 57
- flight of, 83
- capture of, 94
- taken to the Tower, 94
- examination of, 108
- confession of, 109
- answer of, 116
- his confession, 214 sq.
- copies of his confession, 230
- Winwood, Sir R., on perjury of Garnet, 181
- Worcester, Earl of, 115
- Worcestershire men, conduct of, 263 n.
- Wright, Christopher, a rebel, 17
- history of, 45
- flight of, 82
- capture of, 93 n.
- Wright, Henry, a spy, 268
- Wright, John, history of, 35
- why chosen, 58
- flight of, 82