Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/513

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[ N D E X. Jxix April 15th, Commodore James delivers to him the forts he had taken, 414. 17-56. February, commands the Morratoe forces again in the expedition against Gheriah, 414. Angria before the attack puts himself into his bands, tries to get possession of Gheriah in exclusion of the English, 415. Regent, or Dalaway of Mysore, see under Mysore. Revel, Lieutenant. 1751. September, Octo- /> , Novt mher, commands the artillery in the defence of Arcot, 187. taken prisoner when 1 g wounded near Conje cram, his steadi- ness irhen this place is attacked by Give, 1SI9. 1751. February the 15th, killed bravely, at the destruction of the convoy and grena- diers near Kelli Kotah, 345. Wteddy, diminutive of Ilajah, a title of the chief of Terriore, 396. EiiDGE, Captain. -1753, lately, arrived from England, leads the reinforcement, which joins the army at Tritchinopoly, September 19th, 309. Robins Besi ami n. 1750. December, ar- rived from England, Engineer General of all the company's fortifications in India ; pro- poses to intercept the Fr. troops returning with the treasures of Nazirjing to 1'ondicher- ry ; a name of great science, 168. Iock, the Fire, the French, the Golden, the Su- gar-luaf. In Tritchinopoly, p, 300. See them. lockets, made use of to frighten cavalry, 150. Ioe, Sir- Thomas, sent Embassador to Iehang- uir, by King James the First, p, 18. omi Kuan, an agent of Mr. Bussy's, stabs Ibrahim Ally, the Governor of Hyderabad, and is immediately killed himself, June, 1756, p, 431. ■ S. j^ADATULLA, Nabob of arcot, adopts 3 his two nephews, appointing Doastally to succeed in the Nabobship, and gives the go- vernment of Velore to ■ Bokerally : appoints Gulam Hassein, Duan to Doastally, reigns from 1710 to 1732, and dies regretted, 37. his own, and the reigns of his family, mild and generous, 54. iADOUdin Khan, the infant son of Murzafa- jing, provided for by Mr. Bussy, 1751,/), 249. adrass, a Dutch settlement, 30 m. s. of Ma- drass, 79.- 1746. December, Paradis at- tacked near it by Maphuze Khan, 79. I 1752. October, the reduction of all the qmm- j try n. of the Paliar between Sadrass an/ Ar- cot compleated by the capture of Cobelony and Chinglapett, 266. 1754. January, confer- ence on peace held here between the Eng. and French Commissaries, S'&l.jOutramalore 30 m. w. 362. / S ad u ok s a H e B. 1736, placed by his bro- ther Chundasaheb in Dindigul, 39. 1741, killed coming to his relief when besieged in Tritchinopoly, 41. SAHAH BAJAB, the, Title of the King of all the Morratoe nations. Is on friendly terms with the presidency of Bombay, 405. Angria revolted against him, took his fleet, and all his territories on the coast of Malabar, 407, 408. and is acknowledged his tributary, 408. but throws off all allegiance to him, 410. 1755. Morarirow refuses to pay allegiance to him, 426. St. Helena island, Suicide of the Tellicherry Sepoys banished thither, 88. Saint Louis, feast of, 367. Saint Paul, road, hi the isle of Bourbon, 92. Saint Thomas, Mount, the English country- houses there plundered by the troops of Ra- » jasaheb, January, 1752, p, 209. St. Thome. See San Thome. SALABADJING. 1750, son of Nizamal- muluck, brought into the Carnatic under strict confinement, with the army, by his bro- ther Nazirjing, 105. ■ 1751. February, is released, and proclaimed Subah on the death of Muizafajing in Cudapah, 165. acknow- ledged by Duplcix, 166. marches with the army, now his own, and the Fr. troops out of Cudapah, 24S. they take L'anoul, 249. are opposed by Balagerow, who is employed by (ihaziodiii Khan, the elder brother of Sala- badjing, 250. purchase his retreat, 250. ar- rives at Golcondah in April, rewards the Fr. battalion, 250. in Ma : / proceeds to Aurenga- bad, 250. arrives there June 18th, 251, 232. receives a pretended delegate and honours from Delhi, 435. 1752. the war renewed by Balagerow, 435. marches, accompanied by Bussy and the Fr. troops, into the Morratoe's country. In July purchases a peace of them, 436. proceeds to Golcondah, is opposed by a large army raised by Niermel and other Ra- jahs, who are entirely defeated, 436. sends Dupleix a commission, appointinghim Nabob of the Carnatic, 436. October, the war re- newed again by Balagerow, and by Ragogee Bonsola, both employed as before by Ghazio- dinKhan, 273. marches against them to Beder, 273. his mother poisons Ghaziodin Khan at j Aurengabad, 274. hispatents displayed by Du- pleix toMortizally, 275. wholikewise threatens Tanjore to bring Salabadjing with his army from Golcondah, 319. the war continues with the Morratoes, peace made at Calberga, 328. gives Condavir to the Fr. company, 328. the war renewed by Ragogee Bonsola, who is appeased by the cession of some districts near Berar, 329 1753, weaned by the Duan, during the absence of Bussy, from his trust T t t in