Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan.djvu/391

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THE French detachment, which marched under the command of Saubinet, against Trinomalee, were resisted with bravery by the kellidar appointed by Kistnarow of Thiagar, who stood three assaults, in the last of which the French stormed the pagoda, and with much fury put 500 men to the sword. This conquest was gained on the 10th of September, and on the 16th Mr. Soupire appeared with a large division of the army before Carangoly, which Mursafabeg not thinking tenable had left with a few troops to resist slight assaults, and returned with the rest to defend Trivatore. Carangoly submitted on the first summons, and at the same time another detachment under the command of the Chevalier de Crillon marched against Trivatore, where Mursafabeg, with 300 horse of his own, joined by as many belonging to the Nabob, from Arcot, and a body of Sepoys, met the enemy in the field, and were soon defeated and dispersed; in consequence of which Trivatore was re-taken without farther resistance. In the mean time Mr. Lally himself, with an escort of horse, visited Alamparva, Gingee, Carangoly, Chittapet, and several minor posts, and then came to Vandiwash, where all the detachments had assembled from their different expeditions. Here he was joined by Mr. Bussy, who, leaving the troops which he had brought from the northward to the conduct of Moracin at Nelore, had passed from hence with his private retinue, under the safeguard of a passport granted by the presidency of Madrass. From Vandiwash Mr. Lally detached the Count D'Estaign with a part of the army to reduce