Page:A literal translation of the Saxon Chronicle.djvu/75

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ous deeds of all his kingdom, excepting Hampshire, and Sigebryht kept that, till he had slain the Alderman who had adhered to him the longest, and then Cynewulf drove him into Andred, and he remained there until a certain peasant stabbed him at Pruutes-flod (Privet, Hampshire) and avenged the Alderman Cumbran. And Cynewulf often fought great battles with the Britons. And about 31 years from his accession to the kingdom he sought to banish a Prince called Cyneheard: this Cyneheard was the brother of Sigebryht, and he found that the King was gone with a small train to visit a lady at Meran-tun (Merton, Surrey), and there he beset him, and blocked up the house before the men who were with the King discovered him; and when the king perceived this, he went to the door, and defended himself manfully until he beheld the Prince, and then he rushed out upon him, and wounded him severely, upon which they all fought against the King until they slew him. When the King's Thanes who were in the house heard the tumult, they ran thither, every one armed as he was. And immediately the Prince offered money and their lives to each of them, but none would compound with him, and they fought against him until they all fell, save one, a British hostage, and he was sorely