Page:A literal translation of the Saxon Chronicle.djvu/78

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This year at Michaelmas Bregowine was consecrated to the archbishoprick, and held it four years. And Moll Æthelwold succeeded to the kingdom of Northumberland, and reigned six years and then resigned the throne.


This year Æthelbryht King of Kent died, he was the son of King Wihtred. Ceolwulf died also.


This year, a hard winter. And Moll King of Northumberland slew Oswin at Ædwines-clife[1] on the 8th of the ides of August.


This year Archbishop Bregwine died.


This year Anbryht was consecrated Archbishop on the 14th day after Christmas. And Frithewald Bishop of Whitehorn died on the nones of May: he was consecrated at York on the 18th of the calends of September, in the 6th year of Ceolwulf's reign, and he was Bishop 29 years. Then Pyhtwine was consecrated Bishop

  1. Uncertain, but Simeon of Durham says that this battle was fought "juxta Eldunum secus Melress."