Page:A memoir of Sir Salar Jung.djvu/8

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In October last, with the consent and approval of His Excellency, the preparation of a work giving an Historical and Descriptive Sketch of His Highness's Dominions was commenced in my office. The want of such a compilation had long been felt, and as it had been the intention of His Highness' to visit England this year, a book of reference concerning the great Province of which he is the hereditary ruler would have proved useful to all who desired to know something about Haidarabad and its Prince. The compilation of the work >yas completed a short time previous to the occurence of the melancholy event which has led to the postponement of His Highness's tour. The majority of the following pages form a portion of the book; but as it is believed that the public would welcome a Memoir, however brief, of one who has been a conspicuous figure amongst the great men of India for the past thirty years, it was decided to print the Memoir in advance of the larger work. The latter is also in the publishers' hands, and will be issued in the course of a month or two.

Haidarabad, March 1883.